Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for this valley where there is still green grass although it has a layer of snow on it now.

This valley is making our pups so much happier. They can sprint through the grass and snow. We scan the world for wildlife before we let them play. Keeping the wildlife and the pups safe is our guiding principle.

They love the snow, and there will be plenty of it this winter. They are best friends. We may even be able to let them be together indoors after life calms down a bit.

Even in winter weather, amazing birds line the creek. This poor little one was cold due to this very early winter weather. I hope that he's okay.

This new home has filled us with gratitude.


  1. Lovely photos of the season changing, and a couple of very happy pups! Sweet bird too!

  2. I am glad you are finding your new home so suitable for all your needs. I felt so sorry for the poor wee bird - however is he going to survive throughout winter?

    1. I think that he will migrate south but this storm caught him by surprise. If he can make it through until this afternoon, it will warm up and he can find food to migrate. That's just a guess. I'm pulling for him!

  3. You and Hachi look so happy playing in your snow, Shyla!

  4. Precious little bird with a bright comment of Joy! Yellow the color of Joy! I can also see joy in your cups racing around and that beautiful picture postcard View

  5. I know you're happy in your new home. So are the pups. The snow is amazing. It's so hot and smoky here.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. We are just a little jealous of your snow as it's always so much fun to play in. The little Wilson's Warbler should be just fine. After all their summer habitat is as far north as a bird can fly into Canada and Alaska so I'm sure they are used to cold weather.

  7. I look forward to discovering you new world thru your eyes and the pups gleeful play
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Way to go sweet pups, keep enjoying those blissful romps! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. What a beautiful place! I'm not a fan of snow but even I can appreciate the beauty.

    Take care and stay well!

  10. And people around here are complaining about our little bit of fall weather - can't believe you got snow already! So glad the pups are enjoying it though.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Can't wait to hear that Shyla and Hachi are finally happily together in the house.

  12. We hope the little bird will be OK. And we are so happy your new home is working out so well.

  13. It is lovely but I don't think I am ready for snow yet.

  14. OMD! SNOW??!!! SO jealous!!!! And your new valley is most beautifuls!!!! And you guys sure do look like happy puppers!!
    Ruby ♥

  15. It's so nice they can be off leash and romp around. We are such trackers with our noses, even if Mom wouldn't see wildlife, she would fear we would catch the scent and take off. Enjoy the beautiful area.

  16. Even snow storms have immense beauty in your area.


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