Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 14, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi is having fun in life. For the first time, I feel as if he's having more fun than stress. In other words, his fun to stress ratio is greater than one! (yes, I'm a geek). He and Shyla had a wonderful week of play.

We had another group over for a visit, and I think that it proved to be too much for Hachi. A big part of him wants to meet people and new dogs but then he gets scared. His fearful outbursts can scare everyone around him, which can start a spiral. All that we can do is keep on learning. When more than 2 people come to the house, Hachi needs way more space than we tend to think that he needs. We'll get it right next time.

Hachi bounces back fast after each stress (like visitors). He danced with his sister after one!

All in all, Hachi had a great week. He has a lot of joy in his life, and he brings us lots of joy. Happiness all around.


  1. ha! that makes a super howl-o-ween photo ;O)

  2. Hari Om
    The word happiness in a post counts for 87 times glee for me!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. BOL BOL that first photo made me think of a caption:
    "Can you say Awww, as big as I can?"
    Darling photo at the end. Maybe they should be on Dancing with the Stars. They already know how to be a purrfect pair
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. I had to laugh when I saw the first picture because the first thing I thought of was hounds of the Baskerville. They're precious and I miss seeing baby and Cooper play like that and baby and Jake played like that too.

  5. The photos are awesome, they really capture Hachi and Shyla's sheer joy. Fun!

  6. That first picture is amazing, so good. And I love your little road, your country driveway.

  7. Those two sure do have fun playing together. We're glad to hear Hachi had a mostly good week.

  8. Great action shots. I'm sorry Hachi had a tough time with the visitors.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Hachi might enjoy the latest UK Covid restrictions, as gatherings of more than six people, indoors or out, are banned!

  10. We are glad that Hachi is a happy pup these days!

  11. A quick response time will do wonders in dealing with visitors.

  12. Your photos are just wonderful, KB. Love that first one best☺

  13. I agree with the weimie boys. Halloween or scary movie faces in that first picture! I'm sure glad they are just playing.

  14. I am glad he is progressing . Could any two dogs be happier?

  15. That first photo is great! The good thing is that he is bouncing back and not being set back by too many people visiting. He will get it eventually.

  16. Those two have so much fun together! All you can do is keep trying, and sometimes that means not getting it right every time. It's great that he's at least bouncing back well after a stressful time. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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