Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Mother Mountain Lion and Kitten

Much to my surprise, a mother mountain lion led her small kitten to a mountain lion scrape spot. The mother urinated on the most recent scrape as her kitten milled around her legs.

That is very odd. I've never seen a mother with a kitten this small visit a scrape. The reason is that male mountain lions can be dangerous to her kitten. And then leaving her scent seemed even more inexplicable. 

Indeed, a male mountain lion arrived at the same spot two days later. He was exceptionally interested in the female's scent. He spent about 3 minutes sniffing the area and repeatedly marking. Then, he headed off in the same direction as she went.

I am mystified. Could the female be in estrus because she has only one kitten? Usually, they have three or four, although mortality means that they have two by the time the kittens get bigger.

Time will tell. In the meantime, check out the video!



  1. oh that sounds interesting... what will happen if he meets the female mountain lion?

    1. From what I've read, he might kill the kitten and then mate with the mother. Not good at all. That's why I wonder if one kitten is not enough to suppress the hormones that send mom into estrus.

  2. What fun to watch. The mountain lion kitten is so cute!

  3. You sure find interesting things happening on your trail cams. We hope the kitten will be okay and we did like those little creatures at the beginning.

  4. Yep, he would kill the kitten if he finds it, eliminating the competition sadly.

  5. I certainly hope the kitten won't be killed, but sadly that's probably what will happen. That fox best avoid that spot when the cats are there. The skunk probably has a better chance. :)

    1. I've been discussing this with some lion experts. They think that the kitten has decent chance. I did pick up some more footage of the male, still by himself, a few days later. That's good news.

  6. Fingers and paws crossed that the kitten will be ok.
    Fascinating footage, as ever.

  7. That is fascinating. I'm surprised that the kitten is as small as it is, this late in the season. Aren't they usually at least half the size of Mom by this time?

    Also, love the spotted skunk, and what a size difference between it and the striped skunk. Great cast of characters all the way through. This is at your previous property?

    Chris from Boise

    1. Yes, at our previous property. I've spent about a decade figuring out many lion scrape sites there. I can't bear not to keep cams there!

      Kittens can be born at any time of year. This one is small - especially in combination with his fading spots. I am guessing that he was born around February or so. I am concerned about how thin he is.

      I've come across a litter that was born in Nov (seen by trail cam). It seems crazy but it seems to work.

    2. I just found an interesting article about timing of mountain lion births. https://sciencing.com/baby-cougars-8582162.html

    3. Thanks! As you say - crazy but it must work!

  8. I didn't know that about cats and their babies. Very interesting. I learn so much here.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Mr Fox and that tail, he is a beauty, Hope the kitten survives, maybe Mum was needing some outside air or food.

  10. The traffic along that trail mirrors traffic on the I-25 corridor.

  11. Oh my goodness what a wonderful video. I felt like I was watching the action on the side lines.
    Sending hugs to you, Runner, Shyla and Hachi

  12. Messed that one up. Everyone is looking for love. Of course, it's fall in the forest. I remember an autumn in Wyoming, all the wild critters were looking for love then.

  13. Cute skunks:) We hope the kitten will be OK. At least he knows to stick by Mom.


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