Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 16, 2020

Nature Friday - The Craziness of Moose during the Rut

In moose country, autumn is an intense time of year. Bull moose are trying to find mates, and they behave unpredictably and sometimes aggressively.

At a small pond, the usual wildlife showed up to hunt or eat. And the moose showed up too. One bull moose was intent on pursuing the local mama moose and her calf. The calf seemed to go about her business without paying attention to the pushy bull moose. This calf is less than a year old so I was surprised that her mother might be in estrus already.

The most amazing part of the scene were the vocalizations by the bull moose. He moans and sang - and his "sound effects" were hilarious. When you watch the video, be sure to have your sound on.

If you watch to the end of the video, there's a special appearance by a very agile predator!


  1. I never heard their sound before... it is like being there with them... thanks for such a wonderful video

  2. Love the moose moans. He really is quite funny☺

  3. There sure was a menagerie visiting the pond. That moose sounds so desperate. We love the high flying bobcat at the end.

  4. Wonderful video! These are animals that most of us would never see if it weren't for your trail cams and editing skills. Love the cat at the end, what a leap!

  5. Another fascinating video! When looking up how long the rut lasts, I found this article: https://www.nps.gov/articles/aps-v5-i1-c7.htm about moose studies in Denali. Among other fascinating information, it says rut up there ends the first week of October, apparently controlled by day length. What's the timing in your neck of the woods?

    Chris from Boise

    Chris from Boise

    1. Moose are still new to us. My impression based on the past couple of years is that it starts to wind down in early November. I am curious too so I'll keep an eye on it. It is a time of year when I am very very leery of bull moose. Colorado Parks and Wildlife says that the rut "runs through October" which sounds similar to my observations.

      Interestingly, I came upon a group of moose at a spring when I was checking the cam. I came down a hill fast, and there they were - at least 2 bulls, one cow, and one calf. To my utter surprise, they ran from me and didn't come back. They'd made a "pee pot" where the males peed into a mud pit that they'd dug and then laid in it to cover themselves with cologne. It smelled HORRENDOUS. Anyway, I consider that to have been a close call. They could have hurt me if they wanted to. Whew.

    2. Wow. Yep, too close - you were fortunate. You may have looked like the devil incarnate, screaming down on them on your speedy bike. :-) Rowan and Obi would have been enthralled with that wallow - and probably covered themselves with eau de moose pee too.


  6. Now my dogs are worried, wondering if my computer is sick since all those sounds are coming out of it.

    Seriously though, this was a wonderful video. It reminded me of my fall in Wyoming and all the sounds of autumn in the forest.

  7. I don't think I'd want to be out on a walk and hear that in the woods!

  8. the moose has me laughing out loud. hilarious! i am trying to decide exactly what he is saying, i think there are quire a few pleasssssssssse in between the MOANS. i may have heard I love you in therer

  9. I never tire of watching the moose slurping away in the pond, and the extra sound effects today were interesting. Love the flying bobcat too!
    Cheers, Gail.

  10. If only we could interpret his calls and moans, love that final leap, agility at its best.

  11. I watch Northwoods Law (In New Hampshire about wild life officers) and Alaska the last frontier. I've seen and heard the bull moose's mournful noise. If I were a lady moose I'd run for cover. lOL
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Your surroundings are fabulous. You live in a heavenly place.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  13. All we can say is men! They are always pestering the women, right? Great nature in action.

  14. How funny! I love the way he just doesn't give up! The Roosevelt Elk are rutting up here and while they are also dangerous to be around, I have never heard them moaning like the male moose tho LOL.

  15. OMD, that dude is more desperate than a guy in a bar at last call! (or, so Ma says...I wouldn't knows....☺)
    Ruby ♥

  16. Moose are so fascinating-I could watch these videos for hours. Don't think I've ever heard a moose rutting call before. I think Ruby was on to something. 😂


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