Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful for autumn beauty in this peaceful place.

As Shyla and I stood atop a hillside near Lab Valley gazing at the golden aspens and the mountains, an immature red-tailed hawk circled over our heads. He was so close that it felt like we could reach out and touch him.

This hawk, and another like him, have been around Lab Valley since we first looked at the valley in June. They call as they fly which always catches my attention because it's like three screams in succession. They know just where the thermals are within the valley, and they love to ride them up, up and up!

We haven't seen them in the past five days or so. Perhaps their patterns change with the seasons. Only time will tell.

I am so thankful for the beauty of Nature in this wonderful new place.


  1. that is beautiful... and we love your place!!! and we are thankful for your wonderful photos and videos...

  2. Hari Om
    sigh... such scenery. That first shot could be a painting! YAM xx

  3. You are all thriving in your new place and especially Hachi. It's a wonderful thankful.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  4. Beautiful place indeed! What great shots of the red-tailed hawk.

  5. we know when our hawks are hunting from those shrill screams, the male and female in our yard and neighbohood, they sit each in a different tree and scream... at the beaches they sit on top of sail boat mast, a different for each and scream. i said to bob, i wonder if they are giving fair warning to the prey or if they are scaring them away

  6. Totally beautiful and such a scenic wonderland! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. KB what a gorgeous photo of your Labrador Valley and the Red tails.
    Fall is my favorite time.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. I don't think I'd get anything done if I lived there because I'd be too busy outdoors watching the scenery and the wild life. However, I'm not a fan of hawks - we had a pair of merlins or kestrals (I'm not good at identification), and they tend to go after the smaller songbirds. I guess that's the circle of life but they make me mad.

    Take care and stay well!

  9. I am thankful for the nature that you are enjoying , making life a bit easier for all of you. Hugs and scritches.

  10. We also have hawks around here, but I don't know what kind. Sometimes I wonder if they are big enough to carry off my 14 pound Xena.

  11. So glad you are enjoying your new place. Sounds like it is a healing land with plenty of adventure and wildlife. Good for the soul.

  12. Those autumnal vistas are simply incredible!

  13. I love watching birds riding those thermals, though we prefer to see the turkey vultures over hawks, because of our birds. Though often the hawks are so high up, it's no worry anyway.
    Our fall foliage came and went pretty quickly because of our drought, but it was sure pretty while it lasted!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Oh, so beautifuls!!!! You gots everything in your pawsome valley!
    Ruby ♥

  15. Your other place was so nice, but it is great you were able to find an even better place to move to. Enjoy discovering everything there.

  16. It must be something to be able to soar like those hawks. So majestic.


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