Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 20, 2020

A popular cool spring in early summer

After almost 2 weeks of working so hard on our old house, it's relaxing to sit back and remember this past season at a local spring. This spring either dries up or freezes late every fall and so it's devoid of wildlife from mid-November through April. Then, in May, the pool thaws and new water fills it completely. It becomes a very popular spot for summer and fall.

During May and June, bears dominate the spring but some other species drink from it too. This video includes every animal that triggered the camera during May and June 2020 which makes for fun footage.


  1. love the bright one... he first drinks than he takes a bath... clever guy ;O)

  2. Love listening to the sounds of the drinking animals. The mountain lion was the noisiest!

  3. I think that moose needs to find a bigger pond!
    The mountain lion is a very focussed drinker.

  4. the first one sounds like bob when he is asleep. just saying . this pond is the local wildlife YMCA pool and love the bobcat, my favorite is the silly moose, trying to fit that HUGE body in the tiny pool

  5. This was fabulous, so much fun to watch. I wonder why there are no moose in California. I have to Google it, I guess.

  6. How fun to catch a glimpse of what goes on in your forest. We liked that moose in the end.

  7. What a great video! I loved all the different animals, though the blond bear and the bobcat were my fave. I laughed at the moose filling the entire pond. Thanks for sharing.

  8. You live in a wonderful paradise. You're so lucky.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. OMB's that is a Beary popula watering hole. It just amazes me to see your excellent webcam photos

  10. Most interesting! The moose was hilarious!

  11. Loved them all, the wee bobcat delicately choosing some grass, just like our own cats do, then the moose, hope he does find a larger pool. Still quite cool even though it is your spring into summer, guess they enjoy water that isn't so cold it has frozen.

  12. The moose cracked me up...just walking up and laying down. Thanks so much for the Friday smiles!

  13. That was fun, you're so lucky to have such wonderful neighbors!

  14. Amazing that such a tiny pool can provide so much. Enjoyed your video :)

  15. Talk about a multi use spring! From bathes to drinking fountain, that spring covers all the bases!

  16. What a great compilation! A lot of critters use that tiny pond.

    Chris from Boise

  17. Very refreshing video after a typical dark cloudy November day. We love seeing all the animals, but of course, the bears are our favorites.

  18. I hope the creatures you share you surroundings with aren't starving or in need of water.

  19. Wonderful video! Thank you so much!


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