Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Shyla Saturday

Shyla is Hachi's pillar of strength. Right from the beginning, she behaved a bit like a mom to him. Given Shyla's tendency toward fearfulness, I was surprised to see how sensitive she was to him. 

When they played together during Hachi's first winter, she usually let him win no matter what the game. When I called them both, Shyla would hang back to give him a head start.

That head start translated into a big gap between him and Shyla as they got close to me. Look at how hard Hachi was trying!

I think that Shyla's soft touch with Hachi is the reason why he trusts her completely. Their friendship is so strong and happy.

We haven't had a big snowfall yet this winter. I think that it will be even more fun at Labrador Valley where the pups can play without leashes during all of our hikes! I am looking forward to see them frolic in a real snowfall.

We love our Shyla. She is the sweetest being on Earth.


  1. Hari OM
    Hope you have all had a wonderfurs Christmas day and that this final week of 2020 might bring you that snow. YAM xx

  2. You are such a sweetheart, Shyla♥ We love that look on your face in the last photo, Hachi☺

  3. They are both so sweet and I'm so glad Hachi trusts dear Shyla!

  4. the expression on Hachis face has me laughing. I am so glad they love each other so much...

  5. We love Shyla too! She is the best sister Hachi could have wished for.

  6. You've made your pups come alive for me through your words and photos. They're incredible dogs and incredibly lucky to live with you.

    Take care and stay well.

  7. She's been wonderful with Hachi. However, I have to submit Lucy as tying for sweetest being on planet earth. Xena couldn't possibly have a better big (literally) sister.

  8. such a wonderful post filled with LOVE and FUN and HOPE!
    Hachi's little face just makes me laugh! XO

  9. Love seeing them chase and run like the wind!


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