Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Thankful Thursday

As we approach the shortest day of the year, I am grateful at sunrise. The color of the sunrise light blows my mind year after year.

As we head out the door in the morning, the world is dusky and oh-so-cold. The snow glows in the dim light. Then, as I pedal, I spot the first beams of the deep red sunrise light up on the tops of the pine trees. When we are at our old place, I know exactly where the first rays will reach the ground so I make a beeline to that spot. But, at our new place, I am naive, and my eyes eagerly seek the first spot to be bathed in sunlight. 

One day, I spotted a shaft of sunlight hitting some boulders high above the creek that runs through the land. We hustled up there, and Shyla settled into the warm spot of sunlight.

As I took these photos, a trio of Stellar's Jays flitted around the treetops watching us. They cawed their suspicions about the new person and her dog for the whole world to hear. Just a week later, the trio had accepted us. They followed us with curiosity but they no longer tweeted out warnings to the world.

I am grateful for sunrises around the winter solstice. They are magical.


  1. I Am Grateful For You Guys


  2. yes... they are... and they are like a little gift to start with more power and trust in a winters day...

  3. The warm sun shines on your fur so beautifully, Shyla.

  4. Shyla is so beautiful in those early morning rays. We're thankful for the winter solstice so the days will start getting longer.

  5. Great shots as always. You have much to be thankful for. I'm thankful I found you and your pups.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups and a tweet tweet to the precious birds. ♥

  6. Beautiful shots! It's amazing how easily the birds have accepted you and Shyla.

    Take care, stay well!

  7. the photo is magical as is the story of the jays accepting you into their world

  8. Morning light in the mountains is exquisite!

  9. Shyla was made for winter morning sunrises..her coat lights up in the sun!!

  10. Yes indeed, we love that magical Shyla glow! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. KB your photos are magical....I am always amazed by what your mind's eye sees and so graciously shares.
    The sun loves Shyla...she is glowing
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. That spot was a treasure of a find!!! Shyla looks beautiful!!!

  13. your beautiful golden girl. xo

  14. Those are fantastic pictures even if the birds don't agree.

  15. We are jealous of your being out in nature all the time. What a wonderful thing.

  16. The lighting in these photos is amazing. We've had some really beautiful sunrises lately too (not that we've had many sunny days lately); though I tend to enjoy ours from the inside looking out. :)


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