Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for sunlight. Today, we had 12 seconds more daylight than on the Solstice! Shyla's spies the sun peeking over a ridge to our southeast.


It was below zero degrees and windy. The wind was blowing our fresh snow through the air, creating a small ground blizzard. But, the sun made it look warm, right?

We didn't stay still for long. I think that Shyla was staring at me to urge me to move!

She was thrilled when it was time to sprint!

From now until spring, I'll be rejoicing in every single second of added daylight. More sunlight makes me so happy!


  1. oooh that are suoer fab ulous photos... we got no sun but more rain...seems we live at the wrong place of slice earth LOL

  2. Zero degrees never looked so warm. Gorgeous photos! Merry Christmas to you and to the Runner and to Shyla and Hachi and to angel R, KB!

  3. Sunlight makes us happy also and it sure makes Shyla Shine.. brrrr, i have never been below 16 degrees

  4. While it has been pretty grey here the last few days we are also glad the days are getting longer. It is unusually warm after a very cold week. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  5. Hari OM
    Shyla's delight glows as strong as the sunlight! YAM xx

  6. Such wonderful Shyla photos and the sunlight sure is wonderful. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. We love the golden glow all around Shyla. It's nice to know that even if the days grow colder for a while there is more daylight every day. Merry Christmas!

  8. Merry Christmas! I too enjoy the additional daylight.

  9. Love the shots and you and I are on the same page where more daylight is concerned. Daylight and sunshine make my heart sing.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. Happy Christmas Eve, beautiful settings for you and your girl.XXX

  11. I agree Shyla was willing you to speed up. She looks so lovely in the sun her Chocolate fur glows
    Happy Merry Warm Healthy Holidays

  12. We love sunny days but we also love the short days this time of year. It forces us to slow down, relax more, and it makes for a cozy feeling. We don't like the long days of summer because we feel like we need to be up early and busy until so late, but everyone has their thing. Somewhere in the middle would be ideal! Merry Christmas Eve!

  13. To all the extra seconds of sunlight. Merry Christmas to you, Shyla, Hachi and Angel R. 🕯🎄🎅🏻

  14. Perhaps a cuppa something warm was in your near future. I imagine Shyla's a lot warmer running than posing! Mery Christmas to you all.

  15. We always like to celebrate the Winter Solstice as the last short day of the year. I'm also going to appreciate every extra daylight minute!

  16. We had a very sunny, but cold, day here today. The sun so lifts the spirits. AND makes the dogs happy when I am willing to brave the cold and walk them. Merry Christmas to you and the Runner, Shyla and Hachi too.

  17. Sunny and cold here, without the snow (alas). Shyla sure is a snow bunny! I'm kind of with the GBGV pack - the short days of winter counterbalance those long, drawn-out summer days. I guess I really like the seasonality of life at this latitude. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it!

    Chris from Boise

  18. I crave sunlight so much! Our November and December have been very dark and dreary. I can take the cold and the snow, but too many cloudy days just really bring down my energy level. I'm always glad to get to the other side of the solstice!


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