Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A Rock Corridor Used by a Menagerie of Wildlife

Last winter, I found giant mountain lion tracks in the snow next to a meadow. Being a silly person, I followed them up a steep hill to a spot where huge boulders make it seem almost impossible to go down the other side. Yet, the mountain lion didn't hesitate. He wound his way around a few boulders, and then he led me to a magic rock corridor. That corridor is a secret passageway for getting down the other side of the steep hill.

Of course, a little later, I brought a trail camera to that spot. I set it up to record the animals who used the rock corridor. The very first animal was a female mountain lion. After her, a menagerie of wildlife appeared on the cam. Some used the corridor as a travel route, and others seemed like they lived in the rocks making up the walls of the corridor.

Check out the video if you have time. It's a relaxing interlude in this crazy world.


  1. how different everythig looks when covered in snow... and we loved to see Pepe Le Pew ;O)

  2. What a pretty corridor with so much beautiful wildlife.

  3. A busy spot indeed for the local wildlife. How clever of you to find it.
    Cheers, Gail.

  4. What a pretty spot! I loved seeing all the critters.

  5. What a great find. We like the little mouse like critter that only came out at night. You sure found a great spot and we can't wait to see more action from there.

  6. Love all the different animals that use the same route.

  7. Holy cow, what a highway! Is that a woodrat (aka packrat) poking around the boulders? And that white-breasted nuthatch - I wonder why it was checking out the boulders. Never seen that behavior. I love your videos!!!

    Chris from Boise

  8. Lots of critters coming and going and even a skunk. Loved the video.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. I love, love, lovethis one. all those tiny creatures and critters and the bobcat appears to be sniffing out the mouse and other edible critters. makes me feel happy watching them.. LOVE the rocks and boulders all by themselves

  10. "Being a silly person, I followed them" - of course you did!! And we are glad you did. What a fascinating assortment of woodland critters. I hope you left the camera up so we can see more. Do you share your videos and/or observations with local wildlife people? - I am sure you are more in tune with what happens in your "neighborhood" than anyone.

  11. Wow that is an interstate rock way for critters great and small
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. OMD, it's like a Disney video, only betters! Even your skunks are cooler than ours! BOL!!
    Sooooo glads you shared this one! Made Ma smile from ear to ear
    Ruby ♥

  13. What a great critter video! Sooo very cool.

  14. We always enjoy your videos. The critters all roam around in a world that looks and sounds so much more peaceful than ours.

  15. I guess the best trails are found following the wildlife.

  16. That was the coolest looking skunk I've ever seen - what unique markings! That lion certainly led you to the perfect spot!


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