Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year

Early in 2020, I saw this view at sunset. It looked ominous with the fire-like glow on the horizon, perhaps portending how our world was about to change.

Although we had tough times in 2020 both individually and as a society, there were moments of great beauty.

Comet Neowise was a wonderful surprise of 2020. We had such fun watching it. On one of our outings to a mountain lake to watch it, we took R with us (and left the others at home) as a special treat for him and us. I am so glad that we did. In a sense, it was one last adventure with him.

I am sure that 2021 will hold both wonder and sadness like most years do. I hope that wonder wins in our hearts.

Happy New Year.


  1. we hope the change will bring good things to all of us... happy happy new year...

  2. Oh that last photo is stunning. What an unforgettable night that must have been.
    Happy New Year to you all!

  3. Gorgeous photos - all three of them! Happy New Year to you and the Runner and to Shyla and Hachi, KB.

  4. Hari OM
    Hear! Hear! Blessings and Love you and your pack. YAM xx

  5. There will always be wonder in nature. My walks are shorter now, but nature never stops giving. You don't have to go far, just open your eyes and your heart and you will find wonder. Your photos are magnificent. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  6. What a great picture of R howling at the comet. We hope this year will be better than the last. Happy New Year to all of you!

  7. the last photo touches my heart, with sadness and with joy, both at the same time

  8. ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
    ╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
    ║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
    ║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ NEW YEAR ☆
    ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ♥¥☆★☆★☆¥♥ ★☆ ♥♥♥

  9. We don't mind the usual ups and downs that go along with life, but we sure don't need this pandemic and being locked up. Hopefully things will improve in this new year. Happy New Year!

  10. Happy New Year! life remains full of wonder. perhaps that's the magic.
    and hope. and isn't it just good to be alive! thank you for your gifts of photography.
    they always stir my soul. and for sharing with us the beautiful dogs who share your Life! xoxo

  11. Happy New Year to you, Shyla and Hachi. May 2021 provide continued beauty and wonder. 🍾🎉🍾🎉

  12. Your photos are just beautiful! Happy New Year!

  13. Well said. Wonder and sadness. Looking forward to a new year of the beauty you share here. Happy New Year!

  14. Happy New Year! The photos are spectacular as always. The shot of R with the comet above him touches my heart.

  15. Yes, you are so right. And if I had those 2nd two pictures, I would have them framed and hanging on my walls. Wow.

  16. Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year.

  17. WOW that last photo Shly greeting Neowise!!!
    Happy New Year Hugs Cecilia

  18. Happy new Year 2021! I wish you and your family many adventures together in the new year. Stay well.

  19. Whatever the year brings I know you will make it more beautiful


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