Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 4, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

Happy Hachi!


This was another good week for Hachi. He loves Labrador Valley so much. Running like this a couple of times a day helps him to relax.

We made an interesting observation this week. While we were out on a hike, Shyla paused to pee. Hachi attempted to tackle her to start a wrestling match at that instant. Shyla was not pleased. She barked out two serious barks. Hachi backed away, waited for Shyla, and then they played. That showed me that Shyla can tell Hachi when he's out of line without him getting aggressive. I was previously pretty sure that Shyla could correct Hachi without him over-reacting but it was super to see it with our own eyes.

Hachi's history of resource guarding has made us very nervous about using any treats for training when Shyla is present. Unfortunately, the result of not using treats was that their recalls were getting weak. Over the past two weeks, we've reintroduced cheese for recalls when they are romping together. Our routine is that the Runner calls Hachi first, and gives him cheese when he arrives. Then, the Runner keeps Hachi while I call Shyla and give her a cheese reward. It has worked beautifully, and both of them are coming when called about a million times more enthusiastically. We are not seeing any signs of Hachi being upset about Shyla getting treats. We are so pleased!

We are so happy with how Hachi is doing. When we finally can live at Lab Valley without going back and forth due to construction, this is going to be a happy pack!


Happy Hachi Monday!


  1. that s a great moment when we see that dogs learn from dogs ;o) nelly learnt from phenny too... butt... well ya know hahahaha

  2. Well done Hachi.
    Cheese makes everything better.
    Toodle pip!

  3. Great news all around! Good for you, Shyla, for sticking up for yourself when your bud is rude, and good for you, Hachi, for accepting the correction politely. And - yay cheese!

    Chris from Boise

  4. the last photo makes me feel happy and so does the Happy Hachi make me feel happy

  5. Hari OM
    Awwwwwww.. my heart swells... YAM xx

  6. Such wonderful news. Hatchi has come a long way thanks to you all (and Shyla too!) I still say when i decided to get another pup, I'm bringing them to you for training :)

  7. The move has been a great thing for Hachi and it shows. Okay the cheese helps too. Great action shots as always. I'm so glad he's doing so well. They are both so precious.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. Hachi OMDs you are flying. Shyla WTG letting your brudder know it is not cool to interrupt a gal on the potty. BOL BOL Hachi well done UNDERSTANDING. Shyla you have very strong jaws
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Wonderful news on a Monday! That's quite the big stick you found, Shyla!

  10. I've no experience with dogs, but I'd say the work you're doing with Hachi, and to a lesser extent with Shyla is going so well. I'm sure both they and you will be happy to get moved completely.

    Take care and stay well!

  11. Wow! What progress you two have made with Hachi! I'm so happy for you and the Runner! Must be such a great feeling and to know Shyla will keep him in line is all the more merrier.

  12. They do look like they are having such a big time together!

  13. It is very obvious That Hachi and Shyla enjoy being together. How rewarding it must have been to see Hachi respond to that correction from Shyla. And how wonderful that she had the confidence to do it.

  14. Hachi is flying in that first picture. It's so good to hear Hachi is doing so well.

  15. It sounds like all your hard work, love, and patience, is beginning to pay off.
    I hope it won't be too long now before you can all move back to live at the Valley.

  16. He is really up in the air in that first shot. It's great the two of them get along so well. Many happy times are ahead for all of you.

  17. We see Shyla found the BIG stick! And Hachi is learning manners from her, too. Super!


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