Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 5, 2021

Nature and Feline Friday - A Cold Spot in the Forest that Bobcats and Moose Love

It looks like any other spot in the forest with a big spruce tree and a rock along side a stream. At this time of year, it's a very cold spot because cold air settles down by the stream. I have a cam there but I have to check it fast and then get moving. Otherwise, I get too cold.

Despite it being cold, the animals stop by it regularly. Over the past two winter months, moose and bobcats have dominated the spot. And, a bobcat put on an especially athletic show, as you'll see.

 It's a fun little video. Check it out if you have time!


  1. Hari OM
    HEHE love that final look down the lens!!! What a wonderful run for your neighbours and will be interesting to see who else turns up here over time. YAM xx

  2. I love the moose, he reminds me of mark... he comes in that non-speed always when I say come quick...

  3. I love the hyper-alert demeanour of the bobcat in that first minute of footage.
    And the moose towards the end calls to mind the old joke about "why the long face?".
    Cheers! Gail.

  4. loved the Leaping Bob cat and makes my heart sing watching the moose galloping on the path. i am on my 24 inch screen and wow, does it look like i am THERE

  5. Such wonderful footage! I have to wonder if the bobcat was hunting something. And the moose hotfooting it along the trail was amazing. Is there a light on the camera? It seemed like the last moose was checking it out.

    Take care, stay well!

    1. The camera does emit a soft red glow and I've seen moose startle from it before. I loved the bobcat too!

  6. Amazing! Do you think any of these animals could also be ones from your old house? Betsy

    1. Thanks! I think that it's unlikely that we see the same animals in both places. The distance is too great. There could conceivably be a dispersing young animal from the old house who comes through the Lab Valley area.

  7. I love your videos. You live in a slice of heaven. So precious.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. Fantastic footage, love that bobcat with ears and eyes alert, and the big boys, from slow to running to being just plain nosey. Cold is cold for sure, I translate the F to Celsius, so -17C and colder is not the place to linger.

  9. KB thank you for braving the very cold area to share this wonderful video
    Happy Feline Nature Friday
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Great footage. What a perfectly positioned camera! And perfectly positioned rock!

    I remember you said a few years ago that the temperature readouts on the videos were not accurate. Is that still true, or are your newer cameras recording temps correctly? In either case - brrrr!

    Chris from Boise

    1. The readings are still pretty bad. I know that it's super cold there because I have to move fast when I check the cam - otherwise, my Raynaud's Syndrome kicks in and I lose circulation to my fingers. It happens amazingly fast in that spot.

  11. Love the leaping Bobcat and we always giggle when we see the moose☺

  12. Such an amazing neighborhood, we just have one coyote and a few foxes.

  13. The last bit of footage from the curious moose was the icing on the cake!
    Another great video...just adore your wildlife highways!

  14. Those first two moose were on a mission!!! And we loved the leaping bobcat. Nice selfie/snooter shot at the end:)

  15. What a fun video. We love seeing that leaping bobcat.

  16. Love watching your wildlife videos as they are always amazing.
    Stay warm and enjoy your weekend :)

  17. It is a fun video, right down to the cameo appearance of the bunny!

  18. Bobcats remind us so much of regular cats, they are beautiful. The moose look so uncoordinated with their long legs, but they are fun to watch.

  19. That bobcat just made me wonder what he was watching so intently!

  20. Loved seeing the moose come up so close to your trail cam.

  21. What a great spot. We apparently have moose around here but we have never seen one. Stay warm.


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