Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Thankful Thursday

Shyla is a light in the forest.

As long as she can be next to me or the Runner, Shyla is content. She always chooses to be close to us when she has the option, Her separation anxiety is ratcheting up with construction going on around her. We must sometimes ask her to be in a room away from us humans for her safety. She lets us know that she doesn't like it. 

It is amazing to have my presence make such a difference to a dog. Despite the rough parts of her anxiety, I am thankful for her and how special she makes us feel.


  1. Hari OM
    that is definitely a frameable photo!!! YAM xx

  2. What a beautifully framed photo of you, Shyla! Happy Thursday!

  3. Shyla is such a beauty and we can see all the love in those beautiful eyes. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. all of you are special, to each other and to us out here following your adventures

  5. Such a pretty girl. There is definitely a difference between cats and dogs. My cats could care less if I'm nearby unless they want something, usually food or a nap to curl up on.

    Take care, stay well.

  6. What a great picture. Shyla sure is a special girl.

  7. I love Shyla's pose and expression in her eyes she is all a glow.
    The love and trust of a critter is the ultimate gift.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. She has the right parents too. Many never even notice anything about their babies. You notice everything.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. What an exquisite image of your sweet chocolate girl. 🤎

  10. I think that might be the most beautiful portrait of her of all.
    bless her heart. the golden girl who sometimes can still remember
    how very far she's come and how much she still NEEDS you. xoxo

  11. Apparently you make her feel special, too. Gorgeous picture.

  12. Olivia is a Velcro dog, always wants to be with mom no matter what. She isn't scared, just likes to be with Mom. It is nice, but it is hard on Mom when she has to be away from Olivia as she knows how sad it makes her. Shyla is a very special girl and it is wonderful she wants to always be with you whether it is out of love or fear.

  13. What beautiful lighting in this photo! Luke is not happy if he has to be separated from us when there are workers at the house, etc. Yet other times, in the evenings, he'll leave us on the couch watching TV and go down to our bedroom by himself!


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