Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 15, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi is so loving toward me and the Runner. It is a special feeling to win the love and trust of a dog like Hachi because we know that he views so many people with extreme distrust.

When Hachi sees me and gallops over while wagging his entire body, I feel so happy - even more so than if it's with an easy-going dog. I laugh and smile, knowing that we've given him safe harbor in this world.

Hachi's heart is brimming with love yet he rarely can overcome his fear to express it. Count me as someone who finds that being one of Hachi's chosen humans is a treasured role.

Hachi sends all of you belated Valentine's virtual kisses.


  1. that's well said... you are his harbor ;O)

  2. Sending virtual kisses back to dear Hachi.
    Love the description of him 'wagging his entire body'!

  3. Hari OM
    ...and becoming quite the model too!!! YAM xx

  4. You are such a sweet and handsome boy, Hachi. Belated Valentine kisses right back atcha♥

  5. valentine hugs coming your way to share with Hachi. Red is his color for sure

  6. It's a treasured role indeed. You've earned it too. You've worked hard to make his life the best it can be. Bless you.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Wrapped up in a heart full of love, and that is the way , with all the love and care, that Hachi trusts you both so much. Happy Valentine's Day to you all, it passed us by down here .

  8. KB I agree with Sandee 100%. Having Hachi's love and trust is a treasured gift.
    Happy Valentine's to you 4 too
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Such a heartwarming post. I'm so happy to hear this about Hachi. Hope you had an awesome Valentine's Day!!

  10. he is such a beautiful boy. in there is the puppy that never had a chance.
    the one with indelible memories of the hardships he knew. slowly he is learning.
    he can TRUST you and the Runner and Shyla. can you imagine! you gave him back life.
    LOVE always wins... given half a chance. XO

  11. Hachi is such a sweet boy. We wish all of you a belated Happy Valentine's Day.

  12. Aww, what a sweet image. A cutie wrapped in the shape of a heart. 💖

  13. Terrific post! Hatchie you are a sweetie! AWWW-SOME post! Have a most wonderful day!

  14. And we must point out that this is exactly why Hachi was sent to be with you:)

  15. Valentines kisses back to Hachi (from a safe for him distance).

  16. He has such a sweet face! That's he's found a safe and secure home with you is wonderful.

  17. Such a cute and sweet Hachi, those eyes are filled with love!

  18. He is paying you back for all that you have done for him.

  19. He is lucky to have you and he shows you that through his trust.

  20. So lucky Hachi found his pack. You guys are truly lucky 💕
    Ruby ♥


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