Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Thankful Thursday

We glimpsed springtime for a couple of days. It has been sweltering - ha ha - actually, it got up to about 29°F. But, after a very cold February, I felt too warm when I was outside riding my bike. I am surprised by the return of the hot sun every March. It's a transition that I enjoy.

On those warm days, the mountain bluebirds made their first foray up to our mountain region. I was riding in an open and grassy area when I spotted a strikingly blue bird flitting ahead of me. I kicked myself when I wasn't fast enough to get a photo. But, a little later, I rode into the midst of a flock of them! One posed for me with a little snow in the background. Happy Day!!!!


It is hardly the end of winter. It will snow tomorrow, and the bluebirds will retreat to lower elevation. I have enjoyed the cold winter weather more than ever before so I am not unhappy about the return of winter. We need snow to nourish the flowers, grass, and wildlife so I am thankful for it. 

Here was a recent wintery sunrise over Lab Valley. What a sight!

Whether it is spring or winter weather, I am always grateful for nature. It's balm for my soul.


  1. it is... it is made by mother nature so she knows what's the best ;O)

  2. Hari Om
    Oh, that birdy... how could one not be thankful for such a treat?!! YAM xx

  3. i would love to see a flock of those bluebirds, so cute. ha ha on the sweltering, I was shivering on my walk this morning and it was a cold 60 degrees, but we have been for 4 days sweltering at high 80's, one day was 87... weather gone wild from 85 one day to 60 the next

  4. That's a super sweet bird and I'm glad you're enjoying that heat wave! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. What beautiful pictures! We're having a couple of cold days and then a warm up to very spring like temps next week (highs in the upper 50's to maybe low 60's!).

  6. The furst bird probably noticed your disappointment and sent a buddy to go pose for you later.

  7. Nature is always the very best. A balm indeed. Well put.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. The bluebird is so pretty! My brother calls this time of year, fool's spring as it lasts only a short time before we get another blast of winter. Hope you get the snow for the moisture.

    Take care, stay well.

  9. The bluebird is just beautiful and so is your wintery sunrise.

  10. A true Bluebird day, and those sunrise colours, nature truly does give us glorious colours.

  11. What a beautiful bluebird and sky....
    At least the days are getting longer and hopefully the last throes of Lady Winter are getting shorter
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Too warm at 29 degrees. Well, I imagine you were well dressed for the cold. We barely have any truly warm winter clothes left, certainly nothing that would do in the temps you get! It's a beautiful, sunny 64 here in Chatt town, and I'm lunching on the porch listening to the birds sing.

  13. Your bluebird posed beautifully. Most obliging!

  14. That blue bird is just stunning (as is that recent sunrise). Just beautiful!

  15. Love that bluebird giving you the eye. It's snowing hard here in the mountains after several spring-like days.

  16. Nature is definitely a wonderful place to be. Hope Shyla is doing better.

  17. The bluebird is so pretty - but maybe I am biased because I love blue so much! :)

  18. I'm ready to see some spring birds, and enjoy some temperatures above freezing! I haven't been enjoying winter so much this year, I'm not really sure why. Maybe because I now have to drive to work in any snowstorms; I didn't miss that when I was working from home.


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