Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 15, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

We are having fun in the snow storm. We returned to Lab Valley for the first time since Hachi was so sick. His behavior toward Shyla has returned to normal after the blip of nasty behavior during his illness. Now, the two of them are playing in the snow like the good buddies that they are.

The storm started a lot later than expected. By Saturday afternoon, it finally arrived, at least 12 hours late. We'd had small snowfalls every night for a while so the world was already white. The pups played together in front of the old cabin on our land.

And they sprinted side-by-side in the driveway.

We awakened on Sunday morning to a lot of accumulated snow, and it was still snowing very hard.

The two pups went down to the creek together through snow that was over their heads. Coming back up the creek bank was a serious challenge.

It was great to see their exploring and playing partnership come back as if nothing had happened. I think that completely separating them while Hachi was sick was a good move. 

Life is good for Hachi and the rest of us.


  1. wow that was a lot what came down... and we thought spring is on the way..

  2. Great photos. It looks like the two pups were well up for the challenge of ploughing through the deep snow together!

  3. What fun to be able to play in all of that beautiful snow!

  4. life is good and full of joy for both of them. I would love to live in that cabin... that is what Bob and I wanted to retire in, a cabin like that, not a new fancy one, but one just like this and the glassed in room would be wonderful. now about that snow... gotta have that cabin here in FL

  5. Hari OM
    to be fair, I am best left alone when I am sick... totally understand you, Hachi! These photos are so full of joy... YAM xx

  6. We're so glad to hear Hachi and Shyla can play together again. It looks like they were having a great time romping in all that snow.

  7. Snow bunnies! What a fun day, and how great that Hachi was back to normal behavior in that setting and with Shyla. Are you now snowbound at Lab Valley? (I can imagine worse fates...).

    Chris from Boise

    1. We were snowbound on Sunday but then our fabulous plow driver came through. He cleared our half mile driveway super well. Unless we get big winds, we are good to go. -- Oh, and we left our vehicles up at the gate, a half mile from our house but that's okay. For future winters, we are working on a plan for easily getting to the vehicles even if the driveway isn't plowed. Maybe an ATV, a jeep with chains, or something like that. This place requires a lot of planning but it's worth it!

  8. Look at those snow buddies! Glad to hear things are mostly back to normal for Hachi. I know I'm not very gracious when I'm sick too. Looks like you received a LOT of snow (much like we did). Digging out is gonna be this week's first goal.

  9. What a joyful post! Pups playing in the snow.

  10. Yeah, everything back to normal. As always, the pics are amazing!

  11. Yay for normal...for the darling siblings. They probably have buns of steel after that trek back home
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Good to hear and it's so fun to see the pups enjoying themselves in all that snow.
    Take care, stay well.

  13. You had one huge storm come through. It's good to see the pups at play. Made me smile.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  14. I love to see them playing in the deep snow, and am so glad Hachi has resumed his wonderful friendship with Shyla.

  15. We are so glad to hear that both pups are totally back to normal in all respects now. We bet they both slept well after that romp in the deep snow.

  16. We really do like seeing those snow dogs having so much fun!

  17. It is wonderful to see them playing together like old times.

  18. How fun for them! We are so happy they are getting along so well again!

  19. OMD, that is FABulous news!!! Just lookie at you guys! hey, if you needs a third, I can be up there in two shakes of a squirrel!
    Ruby ♥

  20. Those are pawesome pics! How much longer before you can move to Lab Valley for good?

  21. We can all get crabby when we don't feel well, I guess! I'm glad Hachi and Shyla are back to their old relationship. ♥


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