Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Thankful Thursday

Yet again, I am grateful for the happiness of our pups. Their happiness makes us humans smile with gratitude.


At Lab Valley, we have a long driveway that is plowed. It is a great place for us to walk and the pups to play when the snow all around it is deep. You can see how tall the wall of snow is along the driveway when they sprint along the driveway.

Sprints like that one often end in some playing. I love Hachi's body language when he plays. I think that playing with Shyla makes him happier than almost anything.

 And sometimes, they even dance together.

The unbridled enthusiasm of our dogs for play is one of our great joys in life. We thank our lucky stars that these two get along so well. We humans walk along "supervising" and smile ear-to-ear.


  1. We love seeing you so happily playing together!

  2. All those play pictures make us smile too. We can tell they are having a great time together.

  3. They are both adorable and they love each other and you. It shows.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  4. It must be so great to watch the two dogs bonding while they also let off surplus energy!

  5. Hari OM
    pawetry in motion &*> YAM xx

  6. Their happiness sure is catchy, we're smiling from ear to ear! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. If someone didn't know these two, they would think - looking at the first and last pictures -- that they were fighting. But we know it is all great fun and happiness! Love the look on Hachi's face in the second picture.

  8. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love the photo of their snow dancing Hugs Cecilia

  9. Holy cow...can't get over your wall of snow! What a joy to watch these two play in it.

  10. Hachi and Shyla are playing awesome together. Talk about the zoomies! Thank you for posting on this Thankful Thursday. Enjoy the rest of this wonderful day.
    World of Animals Rittenhouse

  11. We love Hachi's expressions when he runs and when he plays:) We too get that same joy from seeing our three have fun together.

  12. Such a sweet photo!I think we are all thankful for our fur babies and they are thankful for us.

  13. You are just like our mom. She could watch us play forever and it too makes her so happy.

  14. That's the best kind of entertainment - better than any TV show or movie! :)


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