Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Fun Bear Behavior

A while ago, I decided to make a compilation video of bears marking one of the trees that was destroyed for a new road. This seems like a good time to share it.

It was the most popular marking tree for years and years. It was a great spot for observing behavior because there was so little other vegetation nearby. All sorts of bears visited it from the biggest bear (Tiny) to a yearling cub.

Check out the video if you want to see some fun bear behavior!


  1. we love the bear-havior ;O)...and I love their feet, I saw it da first time that they have real soles ;O)

  2. We love the bears! They're so much fun to watch.

  3. OH MY Bears...that was one fine back scratch...were my eyes deceiving me or did Mr. Bear multitask by peepeeing at the same time he scratched
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. It's too bad this sign post is no longer available to the bears. We hope they can find a quiet place to make a new one.

  5. the 2:25 and 2:49 appears to be The Best Bear Scrathers of all.. I love the way they stand and stretch. some of them are the lazy ones, they sit while scratching and that tree is perfect for them, just the right size, not to big or to small but perfect.

  6. It's a sad day in the forest when a tree comes down for a road.

  7. Second try to leave a comment.

    That tree sure took a beating from those bears. Most precious.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. Some sit, others stand, stroll past so slowly, one yawned, was it all too much for him at after the 3 minute level , then the wee one, this is so sad the tree has gone, I hope they all have found another favourite and continue to pass by, mark, and carry on.Great compilation KB, a lot of work editing and we are so lucky to be able to see this as you share your wonderful bears.

  9. That was a terrific video, we hate it that the humans keep infringing on their turf though.

  10. It's a shame the bears have lost their spot to mark. Great video compilation - I'm assuming that Tiny is the one that sits on it's haunches. The tall bear is quite something to see too. Is it wrong that I worry about the young one, he seems so little to be on his own.

  11. Too bad about that darn road. We love seeing the bears. Each one has its own technique:) And what an assortment of sizes!!!

  12. So sad the tree is gone. We feel back for the bears as they sure did love that tree.


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