Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Shyla Saturday

The snowy weather, interspersed with sunny and warm days, continues. Shyla's joy in the snow has helped me to enjoy even late April snowy days.


Even on the gray days, Shyla happily forges ahead of me. The snow makes her so energetic.

At this time of year, the snow never lasts long. It rapidly melts in the warm sun. In Shyla's view, that means that we need play as much as we can before it melts. I also like to take photos of its beauty before it melts.

As I watch Shyla meet people on the trails, I am still filled with gratitude that she's become so outgoing. It is hard for me to remember how afraid she was as a young dog - because she is so utterly transformed now.

As the transformation was happening over years and years, I didn't always recognize each little step toward her being a more normal dog. Now that most people would say that she's very social and outgoing, I see the huge changes that happened so gradually. It makes me smile.

Happy Shyla Saturday. There's another foot of snow in the forecast so the snow photos are not ending yet. That makes Shyla so happy!


  1. Hari Om
    ...and do you think that having a younger brofur to watch out for now, she has become even stronger in herself? YAM xx

  2. the 3rd photo down, the sun hitting the top of distant mountains is goregous. I love Shyla's ears in that first photo. penned back with the force of her running..

  3. Shyla you look outstanding...out standing in the field of snow.
    Another 1' of snow. WOW
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. We would love to be there with Shyla romping in the snow. She sure looks happy and it's so wonderful to know how she has grown in confidence over the years.

  5. I know, I know, I keep saying it, but it always bears repeating, Shyla's love and zest for life, and conquering her fears, is a true tribute your love and dedication to her! I cannot help but smile seeing her photos. And I think there really is something special about spring snowfalls, the sun feels so warm and bright, and you know it's going to melt soon! 😊

    Kim - Life at Golden Pines

  6. It's a joy for me too, reading about your work with Shyla over the years and watching her progress to being able to experience the fun adventures of the life you are sharing with her.

  7. such a wonderful happy face!!! xoxo

  8. Shyla is the most amazing snow dog ever!

  9. You look so incredibly happy romping in your snow, Shyla!

  10. Yay Shyla! And yay Shyla's family too!!

    Chris from Boise

  11. Goodness, more snow? I'm happy it makes you and Shyla happy. :)

  12. Shyla is a true champion and we love watching her romp.

  13. Enjoy that white stuff. I hope there's some moisture falling downhill from you.


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