Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Thankful Thursday

Snow in May is pretty normal at our elevation in the Rockies, and it is a key source of moisture that helps us in the summer. However, every year, I am ready for spring by May. Fortunately, our pups make me smile my way through the May snow storms.

They played happily on the day of the latest storm.


And then we were gifted a bluebird day on the day after the storm.


For a little while, the snow stayed on the trees set against the azure sky. Amazing!

I am thankful, however, that the bluebirds will doubtless return very soon. They've "arrived" several times already but they retreat to lower elevations when we have snow storms. I'm ready to enjoy their kind of spring beauty!

I keep reminding myself that a snowy spring will lead to amazing wildflowers. I will be thankful for that!


  1. it's beautiful... and the bulue bird fits perfectly to the white scenery ;O)

  2. The two of you look so happy to be playing in the snow and the bluebird is just gorgeous!

  3. The sky and the snow are absolutely spectacular! But that photo of Shylapeeking up over the top of the snow is just absolutely adorable

  4. Oh so very beautiful. The pups look so happy to play in the snow. Yes spring is a wonderful time of year and pretty soon the birds will be singing the the wildflowers will be everywhere.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. Gorgeous shots! I'm looking forward to the beautiful springs flowers you find as well.

  6. That snow fun is totally amazing and that little birdie sure is pretty. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Ohhh I look forward to your wildflowers..
    That sky is gorgeous
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Our bluebirds have orange on their breasts, so I wondered why you called it a bluebird day until I saw your bird picture. It really was!

  9. It sure looks like those two sure enjoy playing in the snow. We're glad for the moisture for your area but we know you would be happier with just rain though.

  10. I was thinking of you the other day, our Columbines are blooming here...can't wait to see yours!!

  11. I'm ready to see what kind of spring flowers you will have at your new place. It's wonderful to see all that snow and know how much it means for life in your area.

  12. Joy Joy Joy - Excellent Capture Of Personalities There - Well Done


  13. Spring snow is pretty how it is heavy and sticks to the trees. It is time for it to melt and let the green start showing up in your part of the world.

  14. The day after a snowstorm always seems to have the best blue skies. Yours are quite exquisite.

  15. I don't think I could take another snowstorm at this point! We've been getting a lot of rain since May started though. At least it is helping things to turn green, but we could use more sunshine at this point! At least you get blue skies! We saw bluebirds several weeks ago but haven't seen them since. I hope they come back and weren't just passing through!


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