Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for signs of spring. I've been planting my veggie garden, which is a joy, but the amazing setting makes it even better. As I work the soil and then plant the seeds, I can hear the creek nearby and the birds singing. I am so grateful that the Runner moved my vole-proof raised beds and my rich soil here last fall! 

As I work, I keep my camera nearby because I see wonderful wildlife while I'm out there. Shyla lies in the warm sunshine nearby, keeping an eye on me. 

One project that we did this winter was putting out bluebird houses, hoping to entice some of them to nest in Lab Valley. You can imagine how delighted I was when I saw a Mountain Bluebird checking out one of the houses while I worked on the garden.

As I took photos of him, he flew to a nearby bush, looking for his mate. Maybe he wanted to show her the bird house? I hope so. We put up lots of them so we are hoping that the birds will like them!

Lab Valley makes us so happy. Not only are the birds and other wildlife amazing but our pups have such fun too.

Look at the happy and relaxed face on Hachi when he's been playing with his sister.

There is so much to be thankful for!


  1. we ove that wonderful birds!!! and we love your lab valley... the best place ever!

  2. Lab Valley is a beautiful blessing for all of you! The bluebirds are so beautiful!

  3. We have our paws crossed that you have some successful bluebird nests in your boxes this year. The pups sure enjoy playing at your new home.

  4. That is the most relaxed expression I've ever seen in your photos of Hachi. Lab Valley is working its magic.

    I'm thankful that you pointed me to "The Cougar Conundrum". It's fascinating, and exploded a few mountain lion "facts" I thought I knew. :-)

    Chris from Boise

  5. KB I can hardly wait to see your new property in bloom the pups are happy too
    Hugs cecilia

  6. Bluebirds are so beautiful and special. We really have nothing like them here in the UK.

  7. There is indeed so much to be thankful for. I'm happy spring has shown up and you're busy with spring things.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. You have a beautiful place to call home! It sounds like a perfect place for you and the pups.

  9. Those are really wonderful photos and yes, we can see the happy look on Hachi's sweet face. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. No matter how hard the upheaval has been for all of you, now you can start to really enjoy Lab Valley and all the delights there. Bluebird homes, a new vege garden, still some snow lingering but surely the days are getting a lot warmer.

  11. We so love those bluebirds. We are so happy you have found such happiness in Lab Valley.

  12. Another good thankful Thursday. We're thankful too that you found your home in Lab Valley.

  13. It sounds like paradise for you and the pups. enjoy.


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