Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for the beauty of springtime. It is making me smile so much.


I was hoping that I'd be thankful for an operational internet connection (I wanted to include some more springtime photos but I cannot upload them). Our technician didn't show up for his appointment at our house. Maybe tomorrow.

In the meantime, I'll go outside and enjoy springtime.



  1. we hope he will come and your connection runs like the wind....

  2. I am thinking it is hard to get techs out there with bears and coyotes. ha ha

  3. Springtime in your area is just gorgeous!

  4. We have our paws crossed that the tech makes it to your house soon. In the mean time it's not entirely a bad thing to have to spend more time outside instead of looking at a computer screen.

  5. Yes enjoy the springtime. It's a magical time of year that makes me smile often too.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Early morning pink clouds are a great way to usher in a thankful day. Thanks for sharing such beauty.

  7. That is a gorgeous photo. I hope your tech appears today
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Being in a rural area myself, they keep promoting 5g satellites for our area. Problem is that what I have researched is that 5g will kill the bees, bugs, etc so I am not willing to give that up. I would rather have a spotty connection.

  9. What a beautiful sunset....hope the computer tech gets to you soon, but then again, enjoying Spring sounds fun too!

  10. Your IT guy sounds like the roofers around here. I guess that gives you more time to just enjoy the beauty!

  11. Dang, they don't make technicians like the used to!

  12. Fingers crossed the tech finds his way to you soon. Enjoy your spring!

  13. Any reason to get off the computer and outdoors works for me! :)


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