Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 3, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

After feeling like Hachi's progress was stuck for weeks, he now seems much more relaxed. It may be that we humans have been maxed out recently, moving back and forth multiple times per week and feeling completely exhausted.

As soon as we got to Lab Valley, we humans relaxed and so did Hachi. I'm sure that our mood affects him but I also think that the opportunity to be off-leash (while supervised) multiple times per day makes a huge difference to him.

On Sunday afternoon before another snow storm moved in, we had a mellow walk and then simply hung out in the meadow by the house. The two pups quietly explored the newly uncovered grass 45 minutes or so. There was no raucous playing while they both seemed to decompress from the recent stress.

Then, Hachi wanted to play but Shyla was reticent. So, Hachi did something that is pretty new to him. He lay down on his back to invite Shyla to play. If you think about it, it takes a lot of trust and confidence to assume such a helpless position. It worked.


Soon, they were really playing, with some chase and some wrestling.

They danced a bit too!

We are so hopeful that, during this break in frenetic activity, Hachi will zoom forward in terms of his behavior. When he is able to relax, he's a different dog. 

It's been very interesting listening to a Podcast called Cog-Dog Radio by Sarah Stremming. She is a trainer who handles very tough cases. One of her first recommendations for dogs like Hachi is to find someplace where it's safe for them to have off-leash time at least a couple of times per week. She says that many behavior issues are solved by this simple step. The hard part is finding such a place especially when your dog is reactive.

Even before I'd found her podcast, we'd come to realize that off-leash time made a huge different to Hachi. Due to an influx of people at our old place, that had become impossible. I'm so glad that we have a new place where it is absolutely fine!


  1. he is a super fab dancer ...and to dance into may is a super way to make it to a good month...

  2. Hari OM
    On to better things, Hachi!!! YAM xx

  3. Bertie likes the sound of Cog-Dog Radio as he heartily approves of off-leash time.

  4. they are supder duper dancers,, love that shot.. so happy for all of you to have that roaming space he needs

  5. Your new home is such a blessing for the pups and for you as well. Enjoy!

  6. It's wonderful to see Haichi relaxed and playful and that he knew how to make Shyla want to play.

  7. Be still my heart! That first photo! We're still waiting for Rowan to belly-up invite Obi to play...

    Chris from Boise

  8. Hachi my darling little friend. How nice to politely invite Shyla to play. She took your right up on it too
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Seeing those two playing and that playing invite was really special!

  10. Hachi...the Fred Astaire of canines. Enjoy your new space.

  11. Looks like your move is going to help on only Hachi, but all of you. If you're not stressed the pups aren't either.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the precious pups. ♥

  12. They are so happy, we just love seeing them so happy. Stress is a huge trigger, so relaxing in a quiet environment is sure to be a positive thing.

  13. It's wonderful to hear Hachi is doing good this week and can relax at your new home.

  14. So nice to hear Hachi had a good week. I find that Sunny also is more relaxed when we are!
    Hoping for another good week!!

  15. That submissive move by Hachi speaks volumes. Wow.

  16. That is exactly what Misty and Timber do when they want the other to play with them. We hope your time at the new place continues to see those positive strides in Hachi.

  17. Hachi completely trusts his big sister. It's a wonderful thing.

  18. OH, that is so pawsome! You two are the bestest! nows..can I gets in on some of these zoomies??
    Ruby ♥

  19. I love how Hachi is with his sister! So glad you are finding things that help with him. ♥


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