Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

A bear pair marking trees and taking baths

Since discovering Labrador Valley, I've been searching for the places where bears spend their time during mating season. Although I've found a lot of promising places, I've found only a couple that have had regular bear visitors so far this mating season.

In one spot, there are multiple marking trees and a water hole. Recently, a male and female bear visited the spot together. They were together because it was mating season. As I've seen on every occasion when a pair was traveling together, the sow was first and the boar was trailing behind. 

At the start of the video, the sow sniffed a bear marking tree and took a brief bath in the water hole. Then she moved on. Then, the male appeared in the picture, marking the tree and taking a long bath. He made cute little grunting sounds the entire time, perhaps asking the sow to wait for him.

Check out the short video!


  1. Hari OM
    Ooh that's a lovely new location to find!!! YAM xx

  2. love this guy... he enjoys his bath as much as me ;O)

  3. I love the sound of him walking at the beginning Clump Clump Clump and a little grunts are precious

  4. What an adorable bear, I felt like a bear hug would be a good thing watching him.

  5. What great footage! We are excited to see what other new places you discover where the wildlife likes to hang out around your new home.

  6. Wonderful video! They're cleaning up for their big date? :)

  7. He certainly is enjoying his dirty bath ☺

  8. He loved every second of that bath. Adorable.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. To my (admittedly inexpert) eyes those bears look in fine condition, which is good to see. Love to hear the birds twittering in the background too.
    Cheers, Gail.

  10. Just wait for me, I need to groom my eyebrows first. !!! Then he puts his nose into the water several times?? Great to see a pair almost together, hope they mate and cubs will be in the scene next season. The little pond looked quite dirty, but they do enjoy it, then the huge shake, guess it is wonderful to have a bath.

  11. It is always amazing to see how much the bears enjoy bathing in that muddy water:)

  12. That handsome male has an interesting bathing technique! 🐻

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