Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 11, 2021

Bears love to mark a leaning tree!

Bears really love marking leaning trees. If a tree leans across a trail that is used by bears, it is very likely that it's an important marking spot.

Check out the first few bears who marked a favorite leaning tree this spring. Their behavior is so fun! Tiny hadn't been there yet at that point in time but he was coming soon!

Here's the short video!


  1. all good things come in trees... the bears know that ;O)

  2. You are right, it was a fun video to watch. And you have to admit, that tree was truly made for a bear, it fits them perfectly! 😊

  3. I am now wondering which came first the Leaning Tree or the bear making it lean laying by rubbing on it. I think they love it because it is the perfect size to get from the butt to the top of the head. Like it was custom built for them

  4. It's always fun to see the action around a bear marking tree but we have to wonder if those bears aren't sometimes just scratching an itch.

  5. I was going to ask the same question that MadSnapper asked...which came first?

  6. You live in paradise. You really do.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. And we like to watch the bears marking the leaning tree
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. I am waiting to see if they hold it with both paws and have a swing? they lumber along slowly, the quick fox runs. and still very cold.

  9. The tree seems the perfect size and curviness for premium rubbing LOL.

  10. Yes, they sure do love those leaning trees!

  11. How convenient for that tree to be right there for the bears:)

  12. I just hope the leaning tree has given permission.


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