Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Biggest and smallest bears mark the leaning tree

Our absolute biggest bear marked a leaning tree. Then, along came his beau (Mohawk) with her cub. Both of them marked the same tree as Tiny marked. And, the cub continued his/her interest in photography, examining and rearranging the camera.

It's a fun video. Check it out!


  1. love how the little one makes his own tree gym :O)

  2. I have always loved tiny and Mohawk and their baby is absolutely adorable and I think the baby should be named big boy

  3. That cub sure wanted to make off with that camera. Good thing you have it securely attached or it would have been a goner.

  4. That cub was definitely interested in the camera. Brat! It smeared the lens, :p

  5. Aw, adorable. Love the cub.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. I never tire of seeing "bear-back" markings. So many smiles.

  7. Interesting to see how Tiny no longer stands up on his hind legs to mark the tree. Getting older, like me, I'm sure!

  8. We had to laugh at the cub. He has his own way of doing things☺

  9. They are fun but I keep thinking of Yogi and Boo Boo!

  10. The cub, it will be such fun to see him/her grow up ,and so glad the camera survived his huge interest, when he went back for a second try. The tree, it needs a name too.

  11. It is amazing to see the difference in size between Tiny and Mohawk!!! And that cub sure did try hard to give us a Bear Selfie:)

  12. What a selfie (or two!). Amazing how lanky a cub of the year is. Cute as a button!

    Chris from Boise

  13. Kids will be kids in any species I guess. Such a cute little one.


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