Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, June 7, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi had a great week. He seems more relaxed than he's been in quite a while. He and Shyla have enjoyed playing chase in the meadow daily.

We had workers here all week getting the site ready for our greenhouse. Since they started on this job ten days ago, we have taken Hachi outside to watch them work. We're specifically using a technique called "BAT" (behavioral adjustment therapy). That's a fancy name for taking him to a spot a sufficient distance from them that he's able to hang out without obsessing about them. I adjust how far away he is based on how he's behaving.

By the end of this week, he could hang out fairly close to the workers without barking or getting upset. That was a huge contrast to when they started the job, and he'd go way over threshold (barking and lunging in their direction) as soon as we stepped out of the house. It is SO good to see him adapt to having strangers around the house. He's always had trouble with understanding that some people come to the house but work independently of any of us. This is the first time that he made such strides in handling it!

It's been a happy week for Hachi!


  1. Happy Hachi, Hooray!!~! And that happiness will rub off on you and Runner too, Stay happy.XX

  2. that are super news!!! yay for so much success

  3. We love happy news! Have fun playing with Shyla, Hachi!

  4. Hari OM
    keep it up Hachi!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Great job, Hachi...and your parents. We're glad to hear you are doing so well with the strangers around your house.

  6. It's been a happy week for Hachi and it's been a happy week for you.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the precious pups. ♥

  7. It's so great seeing Hachi happy and playful.

  8. fantastic!!!!! so happy for all of you

  9. That sounds like good progress for sweet Hachi!

  10. What great news! Bless you for spending the time and doing the training for your sweet boy. Add a greenhouse to the mix and BAM! you guys know how to rock life about 8000 ft!

  11. Have I told you lately you're a very good dog parent?

  12. Good Boy little Hachi! Good Boy!
    and I love the comment just above mine. I agree wholeheartedly! XO

  13. What a wonderful way to start a week with such happiness
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. Look at him fly! Wonderful to hear Hachi had such a good week. Your patience and care for him are definitely a factor in his progress.

  15. We love seeing and hearing about Happy Hachi!!!

  16. What great progress!! It must be getting exciting now as you fine tune and adjust for him. Watching Hachi progress faster and faster and responding instead of reacting. I'm so happy for both of you. What a great step he made. ♥

  17. YAY!!!! That is FABulous news my furiend!!!! Gots to admit, I do the same thingie! 😁 Ma stays with me in the yardie when peeps have to do stuffs. I still bark and stuffs, butts ya knows, that's my job BOL!
    Do some zoomies for me, k?
    Ruby ♥


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