Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for all the things in this photo. Labrador Valley is spectacular with the flowers and the sky and the green grass. My greenhouse is newly in place, and it is making me so happy. After a foundation was put in, the Runner and his friends installed the greenhouse. Soon thereafter, I worked like crazy to move my plants from inside the house to the greenhouse. It is almost completely operational now. I love it!!!!

To the left of the greenhouse, you can see a rock wall. It is a retaining wall. This spring, the moose started going up and down the hill by tramping over the retaining wall. They caused it to crumble. A wonderful stone mason rebuilt it for us. Since the greenhouse went in there, the moose are no longer using that that route. They still go through the valley but they use different routes.

I'm also growing Columbines in the aspen groves in Labrador Valley. They are sprouting beautifully but they won't bloom this year. Fortunately, I've found other aspen groves with blooming Columbines. There is a special serenity to wandering in an aspen grove that is filled with Columbines. It makes my heart sing.
There is so much to be thankful for. It feels as if our outdoor work is starting to decrease (although invasive weed mitigation is accelerating). I hope to have a few free moments to sit still and relax each day very soon!


  1. you found the best place ever... we like the idea with the rain wall...

  2. Hari Om
    The reward of work is the rest from it... and to look upon its results! YAM xx

  3. What a beautiful area you moved to. I know you love each moment of your mountain paradise.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  4. You can't beat a view like that. We're glad to hear the moose have steered clear of you greenhouse and will hopefully leave that wall in tact.

  5. your valley is a paradise, or heaven on earth or a little of both. no one I know can say look Honey there is a moose in our yard. Yay for the green house and the beautiful valley beside it

  6. Love your greenhouse and the Columbines are just gorgeous!

  7. Indeed beauty everywhere.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. The little path to the greenhouse, tall grasses fir for a king or a majestic moose, a doggie's paradise. for you tow as well. And even amid all the work, just to look at those trees, enjoy the serenity and peace is the very best place to be.

  9. Wow, what an incredible view! I'm sure your greenhouse will provide much joy as well.

  10. How I would love to live in a place on a moose tramping route!
    Cheers, Gail.
    PS The columbines a beautiful too.

  11. You certainly have your own little piece of paradise in the making there! ♥

  12. The greenhouse looks so lonely out there in the midst of nothing but green. Glad the moose don't trample it.

  13. We are always so amazed and jealous of all the beauty that surrounds you. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  14. OMD, it is just FABulous!!! so jealous! it looks cool too
    Ruby ♥

  15. What a special place to savor and enjoy!

  16. What a lovely paradise you live in- I grow Columbines here also- and they are self seeding so there will be more ! Lucky you to have a greenhouse- may we see inside it some day? Cheers!


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