Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Little Bear Wins the Dance Contest

 Late this spring, a young male bear arrived in Tiny's territory. I think that he'd very recently dispersed from his mom's territory as all young male bears must do. I'm not sure why he chose to linger in this territory because there presently are a number of big male bears residing there. But, he did. And his amazing enthusiasm for life may help him to make it among the big bears.

As an example, he visited a bear marking tree that has been very popular this year. Lots of big bears marked it but none had the spark and crazy energy of the youngster. The young bear definitely won the dance contest! Check out the video.


  1. he totally rocks ;O) he has very bright furs or is that just a light effect from sun?

    1. He's a very blond little bear and the sun is enhancing them. It's kind of like a disco outfit! LOL

  2. I chuckled and smiled all the way through and has a middle name should be enthusiasm. Absolutely precious

  3. Great job, youngster! We loved watching you dance!

  4. That last little one is so cute. We love his blond fur and he really put on a show with the dancing.

  5. We need to set up a Dancing with da Bears contest in your valley
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. What a fun little guy he is!! So amazing to see such a variety of dancers!!

  7. That's such a hoot, he is one cool bear!

  8. Give Dancing Bear a gold medal!!! He has all the moves:)


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