Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

I often write about our Black Dog's exuberance and wild joy. But he had another side. He could turn off his high energy side and quietly relax. He loved relaxing on his dog bed that was often bathed in sunshine. His brown warm eyes calmly watched the room and invited others over to snuggle with him. Neither Shyla nor I could resist a Black Dog snuggle when he looked like this.

I hope that you have a peaceful day, like our Black Dog knew how to do. 




  1. Hari OM
    I just want to lean into the screen for my own snuggle! YAM xx

  2. I wish I had a whole world could be as peaceful as R looks in this photo

  3. Such a beautiful photo of a gorgeous boy♥

  4. Who wouldn't want to snuggle with R when he looked so peaceful.

  5. I agree with YAM...100%
    What beautiful chocolate brown eyes and shiny furs
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. what a great heart in that beautiful black dog.
    he Knew how to LIVE and Love. xo

  7. He shows how life can be, without stress or fear, and his eyes always shone, he continues to delight us in every photo.

  8. The intelligence and beauty in his portrait is so clear. What a sweet boy.

  9. I can see why this is a favorite photo of your Black Dog. Such a handsome boy with soulful eyes.


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