Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Teeny Tiny, a bear cub, took his first very cute bath!

 Teeny Tiny, a local bear cub who is probably Tiny's, took his first bath! He hadn't gone in the water prior to this. When he and his mom arrived at the water hole, he amused himself while his mom took a bath. Then, almost on a whim, he sprinted back to take his first bath. And he was CUTE!

Check out the video!


  1. Hari OM
    Awwwwwww... forgot behind the ears, but it'll learn! YAM xx

  2. We were waiting for the cub to fall over and back into the water when he first sat down. He sure did enjoy his bath!

  3. OH my word that is precious...I love it in the beginning when he is sitting on his tush
    Hugs cecilia

  4. my face hurts from smiling. teeny tiny is precious, adorable, sweet, laughable, and oh so huggable except of course for mama bear... love it

  5. Hat sweet cub made us smile and chuckle. Lee and Phod

  6. Awww, so adorable. That little one was loving that bath.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. That is beyond adorable! I'm not sure the wee cub has yet mastered the art of breathing out when he puts his snout under water!

  8. So cute. He still needs to learn to dip his head in:)

  9. Getting a bath without your mom putting you in the tub? Strange.

  10. You may need to put out some towels and soap for all the bears bathing in that water! So cute.

  11. Fabulous video and so cute! I love his little snorts when he gets water up his nose! It will be fun to watch Teeny Tiny grow up...Thanks for giving me a happy start to my day!

  12. Oh. My. Gosh! Is that the cutest video or what?! Love it. 🐻


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