Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Thankful Thursday

We woke up the other day to find that a mama moose and her calf had spent the night in the meadow by our house. They surprised the Runner and Shyla when they went out for Shyla's dawn walk. The four eyes shining at them were a bit shocking.


We thought that they'd leave after being disturbed but they stayed nestled in the tall grass for a long time. Poor Hachi had to wait until they departed before he could go out for his first morning pee. He barks at moose so vociferously that it would've been dangerous to take him out. They didn't leave until hours after we'd all gotten out of bed.

Eventually they stood up and sidled toward the creek.

I am so thankful for our wildlife. They are an incredible part of living in Lab Valley. And, I'm saying that even though a bear ate a lot of our garden last night. He ate about half of the lettuce but left the rest of the stuff alone. The Runner got the parts for an electric fence and set it up today. We hope that Mr. Bear is deterred. I have a trail cam set up so we can know if he shows up tonight.

I love our bears, moose, elk, lions, bobcats, coyotes, foxes, and turkeys.


  1. this two... we send a big hug to hem (only virtual of course LOL)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I love your critters too but would not want to live with them in my yard.. i am way to fearful. I would be locked in the house. I fret over raccoons in the yard and letting Beau out to pee

  4. forgot to say the mama and baby in the grass is magnificent

  5. Hari OM
    What a sight to see first thing!!! And how many lettuces do you need really..?? &*> YAM xx

  6. Poor Hachi. It's too bad you don't have a back door he could go out to do his business instead of waiting for the moose to move along. The moose are so big they don't seem to get scared by, what they probably see as, tiny humans.

  7. What a wonderful sight to wake up to but poor Hachi. We hope he didn't have to cross his legs for too long.

  8. KB thank you for sharing these photos. I have a pretty vivid mind's eye but never ever could I imagine seeing such a beautiful sight near the house. That being said we had our own bit of wildlife last night just before dark. Jack rabbit, chipmunk and cardinals all having a post dusk snack
    hugs Cecilia

  9. Hachi, if the moose do this again, you need to find another bathroom area where it is safer.I truly cannot imagine waking up to find them so close, they must feel very safe. Lovely first photo, almost like a painting, and to be there for such a long time, maybe they will visit again.The electric fence sounds like a very good plan.

    1. We will eventually have another bathroom area for the pups, behind the house. However, when the construction workers gutted the top floor of the house, they threw all of the debris out the windows into a huge pile behind the house. We are working hard on clearing it out. When that is done, the pups can use it as their bathroom area if there are moose in the front of the house.

  10. How I would love to find some moose in my garden one morning.
    Whether Bertie would react well is another question...

  11. Poor Hachi! I'm sure he was very relieved when the moose moved on (pun intended).

    Gorgeous photos; they obviously feel safe in your vicinity.

  12. You really do have the most interesting neighbors! Poor Hachi might need an inside facility. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. That must have been such a wonderful way to start the day, but maybe not so much for Hachi:)

  14. What a delightful sight. I would have enjoyed this in person.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  15. That's amazing they didn't get up and leave. How wonderful to see them right there, so close.

  16. My hubby saw moose tracks in our yard this week! We have yet to see one, but now my hopes are up we just might!


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