Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Thankful Thursday

Life has been so hectic this fall that I feel deep gratitude for the quiet time we had high in the mountains in August. I mountain biked ribbon-like trails in the mountains each day.

Some days, storms appeared suddenly when I was far from camp. I'd pedal hard to try to beat them back to camp. Most days, I did.

Life is the same way, with storms blocking your path at times. I'm thankful to have a well of peaceful memories when those times come.



  1. that is a good way to make good memories we can use for that times...

  2. Beau and I had to walk home in the rain a couple of times, since we are both elderly we walked not ran

  3. What a beautiful place to ride. Glad to hear you made it back to camp before the rain most of the time.

  4. Wow, the beauty of the area is just breathtaking. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Whoa KB you are a human speed machine. Yay you for out running the storms.
    What a peaceful place you have for camping and living.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. I love where you live. It's paradise on steroids.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Wow - what beautiful views you had on your mountain bike rides!

  8. The peacefulness, the trails, the views, the serenity, store them up in a memory bank for winter days.

  9. Pedalling to get ahead of the storm sounds like excellent fitness training!

  10. Such a beautiful place for wonderful memories! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. I am thankful that you share your beautiful surrounding with us.

  12. Getting away from it all and doing something you love is wonderful. Glad you didn't get stuck in too many storms.

  13. Peaceful memories make life's rough roads much easier to navigate.


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