Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Black Dog Joy

As I ride my bike through our glorious autumn world, I am stopped in my tracks by the beauty. These days, the autumn joy makes me look back at other joyful parts of my life.

And, of course, one of them was our Black Dog. As beautiful as can be.

I remember the day that I took this photo so well. It was in the early phases with Hachi in the pack, and his issues were stressing me more than I ever admitted. I took our Black Dog out for a little stroll. We ended up in an aspen grove playing silly little games. For a few minutes, my stress evaporated. Our Black Dog could do that to me.

Black Dog Joy will never leave me.


  1. he loved and was loved, both SO very much.

  2. He was certainly one very special boy♥

  3. Hari OM
    ...and now the memories serve a similar purpose! YAM xx

  4. Sweet memories. The photos are stunning, as always!

  5. The joy these special creatures can instill in us is simply amazing. What a blessing.

  6. What beautiful fall pictures and such sweet memories of the healing power of R.

  7. Awww. The perfect autumn scene and the perfect dog.

  8. R gave us all joy....every single day....I really enjoy your Black Dog Days posts
    Hugs cecilia

  9. The wonderful Black Dog Joy was good for all of us.

  10. The Black Dog has always been comfort to everyone.

  11. he continues his life of giving JOY just by Being the Black Dog!
    thank you... as always... for sharing him with us. XOXO


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