Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Mountain Lion in Broad Daylight!

Mountain lions took an extended hiatus from my camera sites for the spring and about half of the summer. This was true both at my new and old places. Finally, around mid-summer, a female lion graced two scrape sites quite close to where we used to live.

She came out in daylight on a couple of occasions, showing us her fur and shape in glorious detail. Enjoy the video!


  1. 1:56... we would like to join him... but that's probably no good idea ;O)

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  3. That was quite a collection of visitors. That lion sure does look healthy.

  4. Beautiful, and what a collection of them all, she looked so well, sleek coat, rolling on the ground,I wonder if all the others can smell where she was.

  5. Some fun visitors to the camera. The mountain lion looks right at home there, rolling around and the fawn in the beginning is adorable!

  6. That was a busy busy camera with so many stars and starlets
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. So many beautiful animals. We loved the video, KB!

  8. What a gorgeous big cat! I love the little bobcats too. But most of all I wonder at the other animals that don't seem to be bothered by the scents of the cats that have passed by. The little fawn was so cute!

  9. What lovely collection of wildlife at that spot! Loved seeing the big cats are making their way back...and look well fed!

  10. What a beautiful specimen! Loved it when it rolled around on the needles. I never knew big cats did that.

  11. Lots of visitors indeed. And the mountain lion was a beauty!!!

  12. Seeing a beautiful cat like that would make me want to move.

  13. What a wonderful parade of wildlife. But the close up profile of the mountain lion is surely the winner!


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