Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Teeny Tiny, a cub of the year, marks trees like a big bear

Teeny Tiny, probably the son of our biggest bear, Tiny, is a cub who is way ahead of normal in every way. First, he's huge for a cub of the year. That is probably partly genetic and partly due to being a solo cub. Second, he walks with a swagger that is normally seen in only the dominant bears in the forest. Third, he is already marking trees like a big male bear.

Oh, how I wish that we were going to be able to see him grow up. Alas, as a male cub, he'll leave the area next spring to search for a new territory away from his mother and female siblings. We can hope that, somehow, he chooses the Lab Valley locale as his destination. That would be like winning the lottery!

Check out Teeny Tiny marking a tree like a big bear in this video!


  1. love his shiny fur at 1:27 wow like a black diamond...

  2. So sweet and so big and I love to see the wandering waddling bears babies

  3. Tiny is a most handsome guy...and boy does he know how to scratch his back.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. What a beautiful bear. It must be so much fun for you to check your videos and see who came by.

  5. HE's definitely not Teeny Tiny anymore. Fingers crossed he finds his way to Lab Valley!

  6. He gets the Purple Rosette!!! What a lads to be swaggering and marking, as though he has done this for years, not just this year.

  7. Teeny isn't so tiny anymore and he sure is a handsome boy!

  8. What a fun collection of bears...but Teeny Tiny is definitely my favorite!!

  9. We hope all will be well with his journey through life!

  10. I can scarcely believe he's a cub of the year. He's HUGE!

    Chris from Boise

    PS I saw fresh bear tracks in the mud along the South Fork of the Payette River on a (rather more exciting than planned) canoe trip this morning! Have also been seeing bear poop in the foothills above Boise. Have yet to find a backscratch tree...

  11. He makes me want to scratch my back!

  12. It looks like he found the good spot. I feel bad for bears. No one wants to give them a massage.

  13. That sure is a big cub! We hope he stays somewhere that you can continue to see him on your cameras.

  14. Teeny Tiny is very cute and pretty big! Mama has one of the prettiest coats I've seen; so his genes are in the good bucket (presuming he's Tiny's offspring). Great capture!


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