Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

A bobcat's trail

In the summer, I found a very steep path in the forest. I spotted an area where I thought that a bobcat had marked but I wasn't sure. So, I put a camera near that spot to see what happened.

It did turn out to be a favorite trail of a bobcat. He's such a cute little guy. A young bear also liked the trail and seemed fascinated by the area that the bobcat had been marking. I suspect that this cub had run away from his mom to check it out.

Here's a short video from that spot. Enjoy!


  1. The bobcat is such a handsome cat and the young bear is so adorable!

  2. What a great area to find. Those bobcats sure are cute.

  3. The bobcat looks to be in good shape. I do chuckle as some of it's motions are so similar to my house cats.

    The little cub is just adorable too.

  4. The young bear must have smelt something higher up, " If Only I was taller " he said !!!And the Bobcat, my favourite of all your wildlife animals, those ears are remarkable.

  5. I do so love seeing your wild critters so closely. Bob the bobcat has nice ear markings.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. they look so sweet and cuddly, yet I know they are one of the most fierce of all cats

  7. I don't know which I liked better, the Bobcat or the Bear cub!
    Cuteness overload!

  8. Bobcats are so pretty and they look so much like ordinary house cats except for their super cool ears.


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