Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

A mother mountain lion and her kitten check out a scent post (and the mother vocalizes!)

I love when my cams see multiple mountain lions at the same time. In this video, a mother mountain lion checks out an area with scrapes left by male lions. As she's checking it out, she gives a bird-like chirp to call her kitten (at about 1:07). The kitten is big - almost full grown but he comes when called. What a gift to get to see them!

The video is short. Please check it out if you have time.


  1. Bertie notes that the kitten makes his mum wait a few seconds before obeying her call!

  2. It's amazing how animals listen to their parents just as human kids do. Love the big kitties!

  3. the little one listens as good as we do ;O)

  4. they are just plain old AMAZING to me, I love when they come out in the daylight, almost like being there to see them

  5. Wonderful footage! You know I love the cats so much. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Excellent video.
    That itty bitty meep out of that gorgeous big cat..Eagles and Hawks have such unthreatening vocals too.
    Maybe that it on purpose to put their prey in a less defensive state
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. We never would have thought a mountain lion would make such a sweet little peep like a bird. What a sweet video of mom and her big kitten.

  8. The kitten took his sweet time listening to his mom☺ Their faces are so gorgeous.

  9. I actually thought it was a bird calling at first! Another lovely video!


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