Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Black Dog Joy

Our Black Dog was so intense as a young dog. His breeder said that he had the least intensity of any pups in his litter. We frequently joked that it must have been quite a litter to have in your house.

His intensity manifested in a lot of ways. One of the most frequent was in barking when he was excited. He barked and leaped in the air at the start of almost every morning run that he and the Runner did. He barked before his meals. He barked before all training, including the exercises that he and I did together. One neighbor who lived more than a mile away said that she knew when R and I were just about to do his "crawl under the chairs" exercise because she could hear his joyful barks. She said it with a smile.

He also loved to vocalize when I was taking his photo. It may have been him who taught Shyla to howl for the camera.

Try to live like our Black Dog - singing joyfully at every opportunity. Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. and R still brings joy, this photo of the two of them has me with a huge grin on my face.

  2. Hari OM
    wwwooowwwwooooooooooooooooooooooo wwooow wwwoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! YAM xx

  3. Best Day Ever - Happy BLK Dog Sunday


  4. Aww...love the photo of R and Shyla. Good advice too!

  5. You sure did live life to the very fullest, R. Love the photo of you and Shyla singing away!

  6. R, you exuded happiness on the biggest scale ever. Live on in our hearts and memories.

  7. That last photo is absolutely priceless!

  8. We are smiling wide looking at that last picture. R sure left a legacy you will never forget.

  9. R had the key to the magic lock of Happy! I loved the last sentence under R and Shyla.
    The older I get the more I try to do what makes me happy never worrying about how I look doing it.
    Although I can't carry a tune in a bucked so I try not to sing in public
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. PS also meant to say how handsome R was peeping around the golden leaves

  11. That singing photo always make us smile!

  12. Sweet and precious treasured memories and timeless advice too! ❤❤

  13. Love these memories of R - he was one of a kind!!!

  14. The last photo should be on a record album!!!


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