Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 19, 2021

Mountain lions leave their marks!

 Mountain lions!!! They are my favorite wintertime wildlife. After spending some time tracking one today, I remembered that I'd never shared the forays of lions over the summer. 

For years, I've monitored a series of lion scent posts that are packed into a small area. Usually, if a lion visits one, he visits all of them. That was true of the biggest male lion who came through back in July.

Other animals visited the scent posts too. My favorite was the diminutive bobcat who scraped where the lion had been. Bobcats are the most audacious of all of the animals.

Check out the short video!


  1. we love how they scratch... it#s more sensitive than we do that....

  2. the trails are always full of wildlife, and cats are my favorites to watch, the bigger the better, of course i mean in your movies not for real. LOL... thought of you yesterday when the news showed a mama moose attacking a man... I remembered you saying you were trapped in your home because one was in your yard. bob was impressed because I said, moose are the most dangerous beast out there and 2 seconds later the news guy said the same thing

  3. We always love seeing your big cats in action.

  4. I also appreciate seeing the cats. They are such beautiful creatures!

  5. I love the mountain lions. They are just so beautiful.

  6. Another 'pawsome' video, KB. Thanks for sharing!


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