Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Thankful Thursday

It's been such an odd start to winter. Very warm and almost no snow. And a wicked wind. The world is in that drab in-between state with the vegetation dead but no white snow.

I am grateful to be able to look back at my autumn photos and immerse myself in processing them. It was a brilliant leaf season. The colors were glorious just outside the house. At sunrise, the reds in the grass complemented the golden leaves.


When I walked just a short distance into a meadow, the colors looking toward the house awed me.


While I was out there, I turned to look in the other direction, and it was glorious too!

I hope that we get snow soon. In the meantime, I'll be at my computer looking at my photos of autumn.


  1. it is great... and we love your golden paradise...

  2. Hari Om
    Such brightness cannot fail to lift the spirits! YAM xx

  3. your autumn is stunning in all directions and soon it will be snow stunning.

  4. I'd happily send our snow to you. Mind you, we really haven't had that much yet, but living in the city snow quickly becomes dirty and grey.

    Great photos of the fall colors.

  5. Your autumn colors are just incredible!

  6. Your area is so darn pretty, no matter the season. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. I agree, autumn was spectacular in the mountains as well. Now, however, we're keeping our fingers crossed for snow. We got a bit last night and hope for a bit more tonight. Our snowpack is minimal so far.

  8. What a wonderful thankful. I love the warm colors of fall. What little we had is almost all gone.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Such beautiful autumn colors! We didn't have as much color this year and it seemed like only a couple trees were changing colors at a time so there wasn't much to see. We're hoping for some nice winter weather soon but the weather peeps say we are going to have a record breaking high temp on Saturday!

  10. Thos colours glow, from pale to deep gold and orange. You live surrounded by trees and grasses that show the changes in the season in glorious shades.

  11. Thankfully the snow machine started here this week. Today we are getting a big storm and we are supposed to leave tomorrow for Florida, so hopefully it won't be too bad getting out of here. That drab stage is not much fun, so we hope you get snow too.

  12. Hopefully you received some this morning. We only got about 2" but it's better than nothing. And you're so right, drab scenes of the in between until a real dump.

  13. The weather is indeed very odd. No snow here, springlike temps, and lots of wind. The golden hues are beautiful.


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