Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thankful Thursday

The fires near Boulder were the stuff of nightmares for those of us who live in the west. Fires these days seem to rage through the land so rapidly that my fear is not being able to get out in time. I also can deeply feel the terrible pain that seeing your home and land burn up would bring. These fires happened so soon after my Dad died that they hit me even harder than usual.

So, you can imagine my relief when it finally snowed. And I mean it really snowed a lot. I'd just had my wrist surgery so I covered my cast-like bandage and headed out for a walk on our driveway with Shyla. We were both so happy about the snow. It was beautiful and was giving the world some water to drink.

Shyla may be ten years old but she frolicked like a puppy in the snow. We'd all been waiting too long for our first real winter storm.

Shyla made me smile when she came up from under the snow looking like Frosty the Snow Dog.

We'd didn't walk too far but I was cold by the end. At the end of our walk, I was so grateful to see our home through the trees. It truly feels like home now. This place, including the land, is where we belong.

I am so grateful that it finally snowed. This snow has stayed with us and probably will persist as our bottom layer of snow until April or May. It reduced our fire danger so much, and for that, I am grateful.


  1. we are glad too, that te snow came in time... and we love the white beard of your shyla...

  2. The fires are beyond horrible. We are so happy that you have lots of beautiful snow to romp in, Shyla!

  3. Snowdog Extraordinaire! so happy for all of you that you are in your beautiful valley and home and safe and sound and that the snow is there to give your land what it needs

  4. I'm certain it's a huge relief not having to worry about fires at this time.

    I absolutely love the photo of Shyla snow covered face. It made me laugh - she's so obviously enjoying herself.

  5. Hari Om
    Wildfires in winter is, anyway, something to be disturbed about, even from this long distance (where we seem to have skipped winter altogether and are headed into spring...) So I too rejoice in your white veiling... YAM xx

  6. We always worry about our Colorado friends when we hear of fires in that state. It's nice to see you finally got your first real snow. We finally got ours this past weekend too.

  7. California has been burning for years and years. Often the air is so bad it looks like fog. I'm glad you're enjoying the precious snow, your beautiful home and your precious pups.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to your furbabes. ♥

  8. Your home, a beautiful view through the snow covered trees, Shyla, you really are the girl who loves the great outdoors and specially the snow, and KB, so wonderful you were able to go out there for a short walk, your Dad, surgery, the fires, all too much too close together.That huge dumping will give much needed moisture for a long time.

  9. We are happy that the big snowfall was perfect to ease your worries. Shyla, you would never know that you are ten years old. You are having so much fun. Thanks for sharing. Have a great rest of your day.
    World of Animals Rittenhouse

  10. Amen it was so dry out your way. Even here we had several forest fires which is quite unusual.
    One of our favorite parks Pilot Mountain lost several hundred acres.
    So happy you have you peaceful home and land to recuperate and your best girl Shyla
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. So thankful that the imminent danger of wildfires in your area has passed, and really rather jealous of all that snow!

  12. Frosty the Snow Dog!!! :D and her courageous and snow loving mom! XO

  13. We are happy it is feeling like your real home to you finally. It is a beautiful area and hopefully nature will provide the necessary moisture to keep fires from happening in the future.

  14. Yes, that snow was a blessing for so many out your way. Love that snow dog! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  15. Someone loves the snow. It has a way of refreshing the earth.

  16. Love her snow-frosted face! Seeing your home at the end of that walk must be such a joyful treat. Here's hoping our region is further blessed with some of the white stuff. Spring is just a little over 6 weeks away and we need to make up for all the recent breezy days with no moisture.


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