Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 24, 2022

A ruptured tendon

I've not said much about my wrists and surgery recovery because a new problem has been shadowing my view. My shoulder started hurting badly back in October It's gotten worse and worse. Then, a little while ago, I made an involuntary fast movement with my right arm to avoid slipping and falling. I didn't fall but the pain in my shoulder was instantaneous and excruciating. 

An MRI shows that I ruptured the tendon that attaches my biceps muscle to a spot near the shoulder. I mean *completely* ruptured it so the muscle is now untethered within my arm. I've decided to get it fixed surgically, and that will happen pretty soon. I don't know the day yet but we are hoping that it's early next week.

This has been a winter of difficult times. But, at least, I saw lots of glorious winter sunrises with Shyla. This was the view of the forest on the hillside above our house just as the morning sun first touched them. I will never tire of seeing this instant of rose-colored sunlight.

It will be an eight week time period of not stressing my shoulder at all after surgery. The optimist in me immediately realized that I'd be ready to start to return to my active life in time for our high mountain spring. That's one good thing.


  1. we wish you all the good luck for the surgery day and we send hugs and potp for a very god and fast recovery after....

  2. Hari OM
    Good grief... sending POTP your way for succesful surgery. I have fibromyalgia and a tendency to frozen shoulder which give me enough 'miff', so I have an idea of the discomfort you've felt. YAM xx

  3. We send you lots and lots of positive and healing vibes, KB♥

  4. prayers for the surgery and so sorry this is added to your wrist problems. I love when the sun paints that very first rosy color. I stand in my back yard surround by giant trees and look to the west when the sun is coming up in the east and watch it touch the tip tops of the trees and slowly paint them.

  5. Oh dear! We will keep our paws crossed that your surgery goes well, and you make a full recovery. You sure have had a season full of medical repairs this winter.

  6. Well Son Of A Biscuit Eater - That Bicipital Groove Is A Tricky Area - Truly Wish You Were Not In Such Pain - And I Wish I Lived Down The Street - Hang In There - Stay Strong - And All The Best To The Runner During These Lay Up Times - Go Team Human


    1. I wish that you lived down the street too! No doubt, we'd be friends and you could help me with this shoulder.

  7. Oh goodness, everything all comes at once, doesn't it?? Mojo for a good surgical outcome, and for quick and thorough healing!

  8. Yikes, that does not sound good. Glad to know you can get a surgery to repair it and wishing you a speedy recovery. Just in time for spring sound wonderful.

  9. Those rose colored firs are just beautiful!! Sending pawsitive thoughts your way and hope your surgery goes well!

  10. Oh KB - you did not need this! That being said, better you than Shyla or (heaven forbid) Hachi (which is where my mind immediately went when I saw your title). At least you understand what needs to be done and how to recuperate. But SHEESH!!

    Chris from Boise

    1. Oh gosh, yes. Way better that it be me than Hachi. Phew - that thought scares me.

  11. Get well soon. Lots of physical therapy and I know you're do what you need to get full range of motion. Just take care of you.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  12. We'll be thinking of you and sending you our strongest quick healing vibes. Gentle hugs from all of us.

  13. Wow! First the wrists and now the tendon...Hope all goes well. Prayers for you and the surgical team. You are one tough cookie! :)

  14. I am do sorry KB....sending hugs and well wishes.
    The Runner is an excellent caregiver and the pups are good for some visual entertainment
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. all the best to you dear heart. you certainly have had your share of pain and loss.
    surely the cosmos knows now... it's time for Healing and a happy life! Bless You! XO

  16. Wow, that is a lot of surgery and recovery to do all back to back, but might as well get it all done with! Hope the surgery goes well.

  17. Sunlight and the pink glow, that would warm my heart too. And another surgery, guess this will mean some long weeks of rest, but with spring ahead, a good time to be healed and ready for warmer days.And your wrists will also have that time to heal as well.XXX and more for next week.

  18. Oh, that must be so painful!!! We hope the surgery is successful and the recovery speedy and complete. Take care. <<<>>

  19. WE send you best wishes for successful surgery and healing. Our huMom ruptured her biceps tendon at the elbow end two years ago and had very little trouble with it (not even needing surgery)until she was recently prescribed Cipro for a UTI. Cipro is notorious for causing tendon dmaage, and now the arm is playing havoc with her. She hates surgery even more than us kitties hate vet visits.

    1. Oh no. I'm glad that you didn't need surgery but that darn cipro. Hang in there.

  20. Ouch, how painful. I hope your surgery happens soon and you will be up and about again without too much trouble.

  21. That is a tough surgery, but you've got it. We will be thinking of you, and praying for you.

  22. Oh no, poor you. I do hope the surgery can fix the tendon well and soon.
    Meanwhile, you are surrounded by such beauty to enjoy.
    All the best, Gail.

  23. Oh no, so sorry about the shoulder injury. Having had reconstructive shoulder surgery myself (my ortho said he had to crochet everything back together), you have my full empathy. Here's hoping the surgery fixes everything and healing is quick. Enjoy those gorgeous alpine glow early mornings.

  24. That sounds very painful indeed and the surgery will doubtless require some weeks of rest after it. Ollie is just emereing after surgery on his ruptured cruciate ligament just before Christmas.

  25. I am so sorry to hear you are facing yet another health challenge. Wishing you all the best.


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