Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Inside an elk herd

I love the elk rut. The animals are so full of energy. It's fun to watch them. Usually, we humans can only watch with our own eyes from a long distance away using binoculars or spotting scopes. 

A trail camera lets us feel what it's like to be inside the herd. Check out this video from this past October when the elk were hyped during the rut!


  1. They do like they're having a good time in that pond. Wallowing in it in fact!

  2. They look like they're having fun stomping and playing in that yucky water.

  3. So interesting! I do hate seeing wild animals with tracking devices on their necks, I always think it has to make them uncomfortable.

    1. I agree about the tracking collars. However, in this case, I hope that it will help the animals. Due to the population explosion here, more and more people are blocking their migration route with new houses, new garages, big fences, etc etc. The lead cow elk will show researchers the exact routes used by the herd, and then, hopefully we will protect the routes (that will be the tricky part - "growth" seems to trump wildlife way too often).

    2. Thank you for your explanation! I hadn't thought of that being a reason. Good luck on your surgery, praying for a quick recovery.

  4. What an exciting time they all were having. We were also wondering about the one with the collar and hope keeping track of her will be good for the herd.

  5. They will be very busy boys, a quick dip, a bugle call, and a parry with the antlers to say " This one is mine" Was that another trailcam on the other side? I counted about 20 females, but there could have been more and I guess this is just one herd. Love it when they drink, just their nose out of the water level. And pawing up a splash, I wonder what is going through their minds!!!

  6. Very cool footage! I wondered about the tracking device so I'm glad to see your response to another commenter.

  7. I'm reading Dark Sky by CJ Box. Just yesterday I learned that the herd follows the lead cow elk.
    That surprised me.
    I hope today's surgery is or did go well and you are home.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. I could listen to these guys all day, especially during rutting!

  9. Hard to believe that high pitched screech comes from such a large mammal. Quite the party and not a lampshade in sight.


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