Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Watch fall morph into winter on an animal path

As an arctic storm is hitting us, it's fun to look back at this fall during the phase when the world was going to sleep at the end of fall. The scene was an animal trail that includes trees that bears scent mark. A variety of wildlife passed the spot - including a bear or two! The bears are most certainly asleep now. In contrast, the snowshoe hare who appeared partially white on 10/2 is probably still active in that very same spot. What an amazing small animal!

Check out the video. It's short, and it reminds me that winter will soon start to give away to spring because the seasons change fast!


  1. it's wonderful to see life like it erally is via your cam...

  2. Hari om
    Ooohhhh... life, happening... YAM xx

  3. What a fun video! Love those huge bearpaws covered in snow.

  4. Enjoy The White Stuff As Its Too Warm On This Side For Snow - Big Hugs My Friend


  5. well somebody named bob cat ate the Easter Bunny. they all look fat and healthy and happy. I love to watch the big bears lumber around

  6. What a collection of different animals we got to see from that one spot. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I watched the video a couple of times. It's great to know that there are places where wild animals can thrive. When I first moved here in 2006, wildlife was vibrant and healthy. After so many years of drought, I don't see any wild animals, except ground squirrels and gophers. A few coyotes, perhaps and that's all. Even the birds are gone for the most part. Drought is a very scary thing to see up close.

    1. It sure is scary. The fires that it causes are the stuff of nightmares.

  8. As the days grew colder, the bears lumbered past, the Bob cat scored a meal, and others scampered so quickly. I never fail to be totally entranced by your videos, the temperatures and the dates, giving us all a wonderful view of wildlife in reality. As Covid spreads, and protests linger, and countries prepare for war, this is such a welcome time as we see the animals safe in their own part of the world near you.

    1. Thanks so much, Jean. It is a wonderful respite from the world's troubles. I am so anxious to get out to track animals again when I am recovered!

  9. Happy to read about Hachi's continuing success. Especially with you being a tad out of commission. I say yay Hachi for adjusting. What a pleasing video full of critters for my eyes and soul.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you! Hachi's progress is so slow but it's progress!

  10. Such wonderful footage of so much wildlife...and the change in seasons!

  11. Seasons do change fast. One day it is fall, the next in moves a snowstorm and we have winter. Fun video.

  12. What a great group of strollers. All looked nice and robus...good qualities for current weather conditions.

  13. I so enjoy seeing the footage of the various animals. Not sure what the bobcat caught but I'm sure it made for a tasty meal.

    1. A squirrel - and they must be hard to catch!

  14. I do love your snowshoe hares!

    Chris from Boise


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