Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

A parade of animals check out a mountain lion scent post

During this recovery, I have had time to look through some trail camera footage that otherwise might've fallen by the wayside. I had a camera pointed at a series of mountain lions scrapes that were very active last year. The scents left by the mountain lions attracted a huge variety of wildlife from Bear's to deer to foxes to bobcats to turkeys!

Check out the video if you have time. And, when you walk past pine trees with deep layers of pine needles below them, think about who might have been marking there!


  1. What a fun video. We love seeing all the different animals that pass by that spot.

  2. we have lots of layers of pinestraw in our back yard, but nary a lion or fox. LOL.. these guys are so beautiful. the foxes tail is the same size as his body...

  3. It always amazes me to see the smaller animals and birds stop at a spot so obviously marked by their predator. I keep thinking they'd want to avoid those spots.

  4. What a wonderful video! I swear, it looks like a few of those Mtn Lions are smiling for the camera!
    Thanks so much for sharing!!

  5. That is quite the parade of animals!

  6. Very serious business, and no privacy. The Bobcat must have been tracking those smells too, what a parade, and as the video went on, so the days and nights grew colder. Under the tall trees at our previous home, birds and an occasional stray cat, and our own cats, never such a delightful parade as yours. Hope you are recovering well, and so obviously obeying orders. At the very least, a huge bonus for us to see videos like this.

  7. Being scent hounds and being trained in nose and scent work as well as tracking, we know the value of finding such a scent. It's fun to watch other animals find it.

  8. Whoa...that's quite the parade of critters!


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