Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Bears and cats at a leaning tree

Last fall was when I began falling behind on almost everything, even my wildlife cameras. I just ran across footage from one of my favorite sites - a leaning tree that bears love to mark and cats love to scrape below. It's intriguing to see how our biggest carnivores are drawn to the same spots.

Check out the video!



  1. I love the big cat and the little cat and those antlers are just gorgeous. the antlers make me feel happy and warm and fuzzy

  2. What a fun video. It almost seems like some of the bears are using the tree as a back scratcher as much as leaving their scent on it.

  3. Fun footage! My favorite is always the bobcat...they remind me so much of housecats. :)

  4. That mule deer has the most enormous ears!

    Chris from Boise

  5. I'm so grateful for this well-placed camera. Those bears made me want to find my back scratcher thingy. Seriously though, you are right it's very interesting that they all are drawn to this spot. Better yet, that you placed you camera right there.

  6. Some serious marking on that tree, and under it, a favourite place too. Interesting to see how many pass by, I wonder if at any time they meet one another?

  7. That camera is so perfectly placed. It's almost like there is advertising for the best marking spot in the Valley! LOL


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