Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Shyla Saturday

This amazing girl is making my down time since surgery so much better. No matter what, she's by my side smiling at me.

 This photo was from a sunrise earlier this winter.


  1. she knows you are injured. Beau knew my toe is hurt and walks slowly because of it. I Jammed it a week ago and it is better but not gone. he also knew when bob had his surgery that bob was sick and needed to be careful... when he walks on leash with Bob, he fits his steps to bobs shuffling walk.. besides that just like Shyla he is therapy

  2. We're not surprised that Shyla is helping you with your recovery. All paws are crossed that the recovery goes well.

  3. Shyla has grown into a superb caretaker, of both you and Hachi.

    Chris from Boise

  4. You are such a beauty, Shyla - inside and out♥

  5. Such a special nurse mate who no doubt is helping in your recovery.


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