Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Moose Alley became Coyote Alley in Wintertime

 The place in Lab Valley where the mother moose and her calf spent tons of time last summer turned into "coyote alley" over the winter.  I love these beautiful canines, especially in the crisp winter light trotting across the snow.

Check out the video!


  1. I know it is there natural habitat but they look so cold to me. the me who freezes in Florida Winter. the coyotes paws might freeze. i would not want to be in the path of a running moose

  2. what thick wintercoats they have...

  3. Those coyotes sure are on the prowl over the smells left behind!

  4. It's nice to see them "sharing the road" albeit at different times...

  5. Animals are much better at co existing than humans. That wind sounds very chilly
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Very cool footage. I assume that both the coyote and the moose ocassionally find the trail cam interesting.

  7. Those thick winter coats and tails that would curl over their faces and nose as they slept, the ones where they trotted across the snow, one way then the other, occasionally slow down to sniff something, this is a precious insight into how they fill their days and nights.

  8. You found a great place to see the comings and goings of both the moose and coyote. We can't wait to see who else shows up next.


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